Grief Talk w/ Vonne Solis
As an Author, Angel Healing Practitioner and bereaved mom since 2005, through guest interviews and coaching, I share great content that is informative, inspiring and practical to help anyone who has suffered a loss, or other adversity, manage grief and heal. Topics focus on loss, grief advocacy, grief support, healing, personal growth and consciousness expansion for holistic wellbeing.
Grief Talk w/ Vonne Solis
Ep. 95 Compassion as the New Force: Einstein’s Afterlife Insights on Consciousness and Conflict
In this thought-provoking episode, we dive into a conversation with Barbara With, international peace activist, award-winning author, composer and performer, and workshop facilitator, as she shares her remarkable journey of channelling Albert Einstein and the transformative concept of Conflict Revolution for world peace
This episode is of special interest for anyone curious about the intersections of science, spirituality, and consciousness. As a decades-long channel of Einstein, Barbara gives us stunning insights into his afterlife messages, revealing compassion as a fifth fundamental force that unifies with intellect that shifts us from our current fear-based operating system to a compassion-based operating system.
Barbara explains how by shifting from a fear-based to a compassion-driven approach to life to harmonize and master our thoughts, emotions, and intuition, we can create our reality filled with peace and prosperity, both inwardly and externally.
And about those questions “where do we come from and where do we go when we die”? She answers that too, explaining our origins based on quantifiable data and after death, how we continue to exist in the form of dark matter - vibrating at light-speed squared – that allows for communication with our loved ones gone and cross pollination of energy in our physical existence.
As Barbara says, “I know”. This is a lot of information jam-packed into an episode that is a must-listen for those seeking a deeper understanding of consciousness, the unseen world, and the powerful role compassion plays in creating our reality.
On a personal note: I had a reading with Barbara not long after we recorded our conversation. It was the best money I ever spent seeking higher counsel for where I am in my life. Barbara is offering a 50% discount for anyone who references this episode or books as a referral through me (there are no kickbacks to me). Book a 30-minute reading and receive a 60-minute channeling session when you let Barbara know it is my referral.
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Barbara With 0:00
Welcome to another episode of Grief Talk. Everything you want to know about grief and more. I'm your host. Vonne Solis. As an author, mentor and bereaved mom since 2005, through guest interviews and coaching, here's where you'll always get great content that is inspiring and practical to help you heal after loss.
Vonne Solis 0:22
Today's guest is Barbara With. Barbara is an international peace activist, award winning author, composer and performer, and workshop facilitator. She has authored six books based on her research as a psychic channel that include, "Imagining Einstein - Essays on M Theory, World Peace and the Science of Compassion", "Party of 12 The Afterlife Interviews" and "Einstein et al: Manifestation, Conflict Revolution and the New Operating System". Barbara is the co-founder of Conflict Revolution, based on the channelling of Albert Einstein as a pathway to global peace, and is currently on a world peace tour. Seeking the participation of the willing to take part in a worldwide non-violent action to end the age of war, using Conflict Revolution as a pathway to global peace.
So Barbara, welcome to the show. I am so honoured and grateful that you are here with my audience today. So thank you for coming amidst your busy schedule. I really appreciate it.
Barbara With 1:30
Thank you for having me. I'm looking forward to our conversation.
Vonne Solis 1:33
Yeah. So audience, we're going to jump to it. Barbara, as I said in the introduction, is a global speaker with her Conflict Revolution. We're going to be talking about that today, Barbara. You've been channelling Einstein for a number of years. And I know that you have some other podcast episodes on, I believe your website, barbarawith.com that can take people to various podcasts that you've guested on, where you do talk about your origins in channelling. All very interesting stuff, and your sorority sisters and all that. And so today I didn't want to really focus on that, because time is valuable here, and your messages are so deep. So for you audience, we are going to be chatting with Barbara, who is a channel. Channel of Einstein. Possibly others, Barbara. Do you still channel others?
Barbara With 2:34
Well, when I started channelling Einstein, it was because of a book that I was doing called The Party of 12, The Afterlife Interviews.
Vonne Solis 2:43
Barbara With 2:44
So in that book, there were 12 famous dead people together, and Einstein was one of them. So,
Vonne Solis 2:50
Barbara With 2:50
the party has become sort of a moniker for this energy that's been growing since I began doing this.
Vonne Solis 2:58
Barbara With 2:59
In afterlife. You know, people die, they find their way to who wouldn't want to hang out with Einstein, you know?
Vonne Solis 3:05
Barbara With 3:06
And so I'm going there.
Speaker 1 3:07
Right. And so this is fascinating. And I have heard you speak about your origins with this connecting with, uh, yourself as a channel for Einstein. I want to say right up front, you have been embraced by the scientific community for many of those messages, have you not? Like you have spoken with within the scientific community, and they're not poo pooing you and going, what? As a matter of fact, they're trying to figure out some of the theories. And I don't know calculations a little bit, aren't they? That might be the wrong word, calculations. But you know.
Barbara With 3:12
Well, what Einstein has always said is, what's coming through me is a theoretical picture. He wants to appeal to people who aren't scientists. And
Vonne Solis 3:56
Thank you.
Barbara With 3:58
And I'm not a scientist. I mean, I I'm a musician, so it's a kind of a scientist, but I don't do mathematics or physics. And so when I brought this to people who knew anything about anything, the reaction in the beginning was really, really profound and and supportive of what it was. I think it was last April when I, when I was at the Science of Consciousness conference at the University of Arizona Tucson puts on. And these were the astrophysicists and the, you know, neurobiologists. And,
Vonne Solis 4:32
Barbara With 4:33
looking for 30 years for the for the nature of consciousness. And,
Vonne Solis 4:38
Barbara With 4:39
the the people who embraced it the most there,
Vonne Solis 4:43
Barbara With 4:43
were the younger scientists. And I met so many young astrophysicists that were just like on fire with it. And kind of the older, really, really left left brain, who still are trying to develop their right brain, they were like, Well, well, wait a minute. It ah. So I didn't really have a chance to do my entire presentation there, but I got a chance to speak to people.And I had a little poster session where I had my work up and got to talk to them. And I just left there feeling like this is exactly what I think it is. We are so far ahead of anything I've seen, and I've seen
Vonne Solis 5:23
Barbara With 5:23
Nassim Harramein is doing unified field theory. John Hagelin is doing it. And there, they've got pieces of it.
Vonne Solis 5:32
Yeah, yeah. But don't you
Barbara With 5:34
But not the whole picture.
Vonne Solis 5:35
But don't you think and, and I just want to finish this introduction, but hey, we're going to talk the way we need to talk. That was me kind of jumping on this, but I want the audience to not go, huh? No. I And so that's why I'm saying audience, we're not here to prove that Barbara is a channel. That's not what we're here to do. I'm saying the work is being embraced, as you've been in this decades. But I also really believe that we can only absorb here and absorb and actually work with information as we're ready for it, on a whole bunch of different levels. So even the and it doesn't surprise me that it's newer, younger scientists that are embracing this, for many reasons, right? They're the ones that are going to be impacting the world, perhaps largely in the work you're doing, and a lot of people are doing towards peace and things like that.
So let me finish the introduction. That's all on me, but hey, starting a bit early. But so audience, so we're going to talk definitely more with Barbara about, you know, channelling Einstein. She does work as a peace activist. She is an award winning author. She is a global speaker for world peace. Now I have to, I wrote notes on this so I get it right, based on the revolutionary system or a new operating system of I'm going to say, being. Barbara, you can correct that if you have to, to create peace within and as a pathway to global peace.
So I just went wow! And I wrote here my favourite quote I heard you say on a recent podcast episode as a guest was: "Everything we do ourselves we imbue into the earth. We can make a difference." And so the reason audience, that and Barbara, that this fits into my Grief Talk podcast, is because I really want people, a lot of what I am doing is trying to empower people to step into their authenticity and find their way back to peace and tranquility after any tragedy or any very difficult suffering from whatever that may have been for them. And it is my incarnation purpose. My larger incarnation purpose, to understand that suffering is an illusion, and this all plays part into that.
However, the other piece here, Barbara, and what we want to be talking about today is, you know, all of these things in terms of the of the understanding ourselves as a conduit for peace within and without. Whether it is a responsibility or an obligation we feel, basically, to change ourselves and to change this world for a better place. I'm hoping to see it in my lifetime. Don't know if we will, but like you say, it's step by step. And we're going to be talking, you know about the compassion and quantifying compassion. We're going to get into that audience. A super huge piece of your work that really grabbed my attention, and that is Einstein based right on the unified field theory. The compassion as the fifth fundamental. So we're going to be talking about that audience. And we're also going to be talking about this cross pollen, pollination of energy. Vibration, energy. I'm not are they the same thing? Vibration and energy, Barbara?
Barbara With 9:10
I think vibration is something energy does.
Vonne Solis 9:13
Oh, okay. So we're going to be talking about that audience, and why is it important to you audience? Because if you're like me, and you're like, probably Barbara, and like everybody else who's lost a loved one, you want to know they're okay, but more importantly, that we can communicate with them, or our communication really is real. Which I'm thinking, this cross pollinating of energy, which you're going to tell us about, helps us do in, you know, in just frequency, right? Different vibrations. So my visits with my daughter over all these years, they really are real, even though I've already known that. So there is an afterlife and then ongoing consciousness. Do we even really die? I think no. And we're gonna talk about that. So sound good?
Barbara With 9:58
Vonne Solis 10:00
Barbara With 10:00
I'm ready.
Vonne Solis 10:01
Alright, let's go. So basically, Barbara in your work, we'll keep this in your work, and if you want to say personal things as well, but you know. Basically you talk about your work being in, you know, based on, you know, understanding why we're here and how we can have a more meaningful life. And I just want you to expand on that a little bit for why you think that's important. And you know, and are you seeing an interest increase in people sort of getting this as, I don't want to say, a purpose, but just as something they need to do for themselves?
Barbara With 10:43
Yes. I have definitely seen an increase in the many, many years I've been doing this. I started channelling in 1987 and started doing my research in 1993 with groups channelling. And what I've discovered through all the years that I've channelled for individuals and groups is that we came here to find meaning. And our culture has distracted us into thinking that we came here to be a life coach, or we came here to make money, or we came here to fill in the blank. All those external things that we do. And we have to do those things. But on a deep spiritual level, we came here to find ourselves. And to align ourselves, I think, ultimately, to compassion. To become the beings that we have always been meant to be. And when we get that, and I see it in my clients all of the time. Often people come to me and say, Well, what is my purpose? I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. And it's like you're supposed to be learning to love yourself. That is a whole different focus than trying to find out what path you're going to walk down. Am I going to be a shoe salesman or a psychic or this or that? It's how do we love ourselves, no matter what is going on? And to me, that is the highest spiritual purpose. And I think that's what I think that's what Jesus came here to tell us. That we should learn to love the greatest love we could. So when you reframe it that way, it gives people just a little bit of a direction tolook within themselves and and then start to ask, well, what does that really mean? You know? How do we really do that?
Speaker 1 12:33
Yeah. I don't you find it so interesting that people that's, I think that's the most difficult thing for all of us, is to just inherently love ourselves. And it I've been doing a lot of contemplating the last, you know, especially the last year, to contemplated all my life. But really, this whole idea of, you know, why is that so difficult? And did we come here? We're going to talk a little bit in this episode about our origins. But did we come here for this very purpose of just learning to love ourselves? Is that enough, even? What do you think, Barbara?
Barbara With 13:15
I think there could be no greater purpose.
Vonne Solis 13:18
Barbara With 13:19
I think that. And as we look at Conflict Revolution and the kind of the elements of it, we see that Einstein has defined what he says is the root, the root place of every conflict. Whether from the smallest one of your own inner world, or the conflicts of you losing your daughter, or the conflicts of the war in the Middle East, or all of them, originate in this one relationship between the intuition and the intellect. And when we master that. When we get our intellect, which is where the ego is right? The intellect is defining everything and all the thought process, imagination and the ego, and this is the area that actually controls our decision making. So if you're going to turn left, it's your intellect that sends the neurological messages down your arm to grab the steering wheel and turn left. It's not your intuition doesn't do that.
Vonne Solis 14:20
Barbara With 14:21
Your intuition will impel you to turn left.
Vonne Solis 14:24
Barbara With 14:25
But we've been given the power to say, I'm not going to turn left. And then we turn right. And so he says that small relationship is the biggest relationship that we can have. Because intuition, as a function of compassion, the fifth fundamental force of the universe is always impelling us to take the next step that's for the good of the whole system inthat moment, starting with Self. So we're not trying to figure out what's best for everybody out there.
Vonne Solis 14:55
Barbara With 14:55
It's what is my what is my emotion telling me? What is my intellect telling me? What is intuition going to tell me is goingto be the next step? And then I have to choose to take it. And I think all of your listeners can relate to this where you know, you say, you hear this intuitive impelling from your body. Rest. And then your your your intellect starts saying, I can't rest. I've got to do this, this, this, this, this, and then maybe I can rest, and off you go. And you know, nine times outof 10, then you get sick, or your conflicts with people start to increase because you're not following your own inner God guidance. And when we do that, then we're going to be led to those things that are nurturing for us and good for us, because that's what compassion does. It impels us to do what's best for us.
Vonne Solis 15:49
Okay. So I'm digesting, and I'm digesting. And you and I talked a little bit by email before, and you said, you know, I've done this work for so many years. So I'm sitting there going, Okay, I'm going to try and reframe it so we understand it. So if I ask questions and they seem absolutely silly to me, there's no stupid question, right? Silly question. So I just want to go over that piece again as I'm trying to understand this. So I do get there's a relationship. So we come here. And you and I aren't trying to tell people or explain to people in an hour, you know the origins and why we're here, necessarily But in a large, sweeping, very simple, very simple gesture and explanation, it is to love, find and love ourselves. And so I'm just wanting to clarify So, so if everything is happening almost mathematically, I feel like, because it's like, if it's this and this one plus one equals this, you know, quantifying it. So if it is the relationship between ego, intellect and intuition guiding us, which is based in compassion. Is compassion intuition? Or is intuition just a part of compassion?
Barbara With 17:10
The intuition is the voice of compassion.
Vonne Solis 17:12
Intuition is the voice of compassion. Okay. Because compassion does other things, right, right? Okay, so if intuition is the voice of compassion, is that? And I probably won't be saying these things or questioning this in in the words that I understand in my head, but I can't speak them. So I'm just going to say that up front. Okay, so, but is the voice of compassion? And I would say limited, and I know that's not the right word, but anyway, guiding, guiding just the individual, or can the voice of compassion in each one of us that we all have, guiding and impelling us? Is that what has an effect on global issues towards global peace? Things like that?
Barbara With 18:02
Yes, it's both.
Vonne Solis 18:04
It's both. Okay.
Barbara With 18:06
It works within each of us, individually. And as far as I can work it in my local universe, I influence that and you influence your local universe.
Speaker 1 18:21
So we sort of express from this voice of compassion. Is that like, is that sort of like guides our being? Guides what we do? Guides our us to find our work. So with within all of that, it guides us to find ourselves and all that we do, but the emphasis is on finding ourselves and let the other stuff follow. Let the purpose find us. Like, would you describe it that way?
Barbara With 18:48
Yes, very, very well put. Because once we find who we are.
Vonne Solis 18:53
Barbara With 18:54
How our operating system works.
Vonne Solis 18:56
Barbara With 18:57
And we take an interest in participating in operating and mastering this operating system.
Vonne Solis 19:05
Barbara With 19:06
That's when we rudimentally change from within. So we change our whole energy field. We change,
Vonne Solis 19:15
Barbara With 19:15
our just how we function in the world.
Vonne Solis 19:19
Barbara With 19:20
And it's based on this inner resource. Not all the external ones that culture wants us to go chasing after.
Vonne Solis 19:26
Barbara With 19:27
And it's a hard it's a hard lesson. It is. It's a difficult lesson to get that microscopic.
Speaker 1 19:37
Yeah, and I'm okay, so I'm processing. And it was interesting, because when I first listened to you speaking, which was about 10 days ago now, and I literally had a headache for a few days. And and it was so powerful. Because again, we we di we ingest and digest what we're ready for. And I just mentioned to you before the show, so it's, it's bringing it home for me. So understanding this, but now putting it in a different context. A different way, mathematically and actually quantifying it, and kind of like, oh yeah, this makes sense. This is, you know, and all of these pieces you speak about, and that takes time to kind of like, whoa. And it was almost like I was on overload.
Vonne Solis 20:25
And by the way, I didn't just listen to your episodes. There was two I listened to. I took copious notes, and I had to keep rewinding, okay, going back and listen again. What is she saying? What is that? You know, what is she saying? So for you audience, I get it. We're just talking, and I'm trying to think of things in my head how I can interpret this informationand understand this information and apply it to my life, in my way, at this stage in my life, and with my experience and my background. So audience, you will be doing it your own way. And I encourage you, when Barbara speaks, go back. Like, it's not really a rewind, right? But go back in the video and listen again, because it's very powerful what you're saying, Barbara. And even if you get just an inkling of it audience, it's a start, right? Like it's a start. It's like a little flame, a little spark that can grow into a flame and grow into a fire under your feet.
But what I'm taking from what you're saying is this is just listen to the inner guidance. Listen to, I love what you say, the intuition. Let it guide us. Let it guide us. And then there's trust and all of those things that have to come into play, right? Dealing with those five physical senses when we are a willing participant. You still have to counter all of the five senses from which we, as you say, interpret the physical world as our reality. When, in fact, almost everything, wouldn't you say, happens in the non-physical?
Barbara With 22:01
Well, the physical reality is only 10% of the entire operating system. It's the it's the most critical piece in the sense that it's where everything happens. It's where manifestation is taking place, but ...
Vonne Solis 22:18
Barbara With 22:18
Yes, there's a huge, huge system outside what we see in the physical world that's creating all this.
Vonne Solis 22:27
Exactly, I and I'm saying yeah, exactly, and that's just because I heard you say it before, and I know it to be true in my heart, but that is massive. We'll touch a little bit on that, but I want to move to, so this, this, so if you have an individual, anyone that you comes in touch with your work, however, they come in touch with your the messages you're here to deliver. The work you're here to do and you know, towards change, towards peace. Would you say inner and outer peace, achieving that individually and globally, is your absolute purpose for all of this work you're doing?
Barbara With 23:16
I would say yes. And that's a big mouthful.
Vonne Solis 23:20
Yeah. Yeah, but in the larger..
Barbara With 23:22
One sentence, yes.
Vonne Solis 23:24
Yeah. You're here to contribute to that and teach others that, right? Like this inner, outer peace, but within that, there's multiples of all other stuff going on. But if one were to say to you, or you were to say to yourself, which I have done recently, what are you really, really, really here for, you know? So for me, it's really, basically to understand that suffering is an illusion. But that's jam-packed with everything else. But this brings it home for me in terms of understanding the how we originated. I resonate with this very much. You know, center of the earth, all that stuff. I resonate with that very much. But actually having a place to park it. So, you know, having a place to sort of understand the the quantifying of all this stuff, it makes sense to me. But as I told you before, I still can't, I still can't speak the words. It' like learning a new language, right?
So I would encourage the audience just to, well, certainly, you know, look at more of Barbara's work on her websites, which we'll share. It is barbarawith.com and then you have the other one, Barbara.
Barbara With 24:39
Vonne Solis 24:41
And I'm giving you an early start audience to these resources, because you're not going to listen to this information just once or 10 or even 100 times and go, Yeah, I nailed it. I think this is something we have to learn to live with. Like to live with this and understand it. And just have it digest. And, you know, whatever a person has to do. Is there anything you want to just add to that Barbara? When people are hearing this sort of for the first time, or, like I said, a newbie to it, and like myself and and kind of you, you intuitively know. "Intuitively" know, it's right. But do you just give yourself a lifetime just to sort of refine the information?
Barbara With 25:25
You know, it's interesting that question, because I'm preparing some content for my, I'm creating some membership levels. So that people can support the work, and then I want to get into my archives, because I have, I've got years and years and years of archives. So I picked some work I did in 2014.
Vonne Solis 25:25
Barbara With 25:26
And I was editing the videos, and I I laughed, because I was saying in 2014 that I often wonder, why do we in the channeling? Why do we repeat the same stuff? Like, it's not, oh, this week. I mean, I can cover different topics.
Vonne Solis 26:08
Of course.
Barbara With 26:09
Really it's this repetitive. And this was 10 years ago.
Vonne Solis 26:11
Barbara With 26:11
And the answer was, because what we're doing with this information is so revolutionary, and it's so micro. It's such a microcosmic work. Intricate inner work. And we're changing the whole operating system. For 1000s and 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of years, people have had the fear-based operating system. So now we're trying to install the compassion-based operating system, which is where you listen to your intuition and your intellect does what it tells you.
Vonne Solis 26:12
Barbara With 26:12
And that is a mammoth worldwide revolution. And and so I laughed as I was editing, because I thought it's the same thing. I just said the thing the other day is like, okay, here we go again. And they find different beautiful ways to say it, but I never tire of hearing it. Because as much as I've been steeped in it. I mean you have a headache? I'm taking in that much information.
Vonne Solis 27:11
Barbara With 27:12
I've had to adapt and adopt to holding all of this information for all of these years, and now I can pretty much stand in front of a room without any notes and just explain to you how matters manifest and how consciousness becomes, you know, the universe.
Vonne Solis 27:31
Barbara With 27:32
Like this, and it's taken forever to do that. But I'll never stop studying it, because It never stops revealing more of the operating system and then inspiring me how to master it.
Speaker 1 27:45
Well, let's talk about the operating system, as I really hesitate to say high level, but I will say just let's talk about the operating system. Because we could be here for eight hours and talk about the operating system, and we can't do that, obviously. So let's just talk about what we are moving from to a compassion-based operating system. That I can remember. Compassion-based operating system. I can remember all that. So what what are we currently functioning from? What is our system?
Barbara With 28:21
So in the very, very I'm going to just go with the basics.
Vonne Solis 28:24
Barbara With 28:25
We work with what we call these three human dimensions. Intellect in your head. Intuition in your heart, and emotion inyour solar plexus. And those are the three dimensions that we train people how to understand the mastery over and then their relationship to each other. And we do that using a witness. So we cultivate this part of us that can step outside in the morning and say, Okay, now today, I'm going to witness. I'm going to watch myself. I'm going to watch what is what am I thinking? What am I feeling? And what is intuition impelling me to do about any of it? So the old system is that an emotion would come up, like fear. And intuition would say something, probably simple, like breathe or step away or it's always a small statement about that moment. It's not to solve every every problem in the world intuitively. It's what are we going to do in this moment?
But it gets to the intellect, and this is what I was saying. The intellect has, has the power to say, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna stand here and breathe. It's him. He made me feel bad. He did it. He he now he's gotta pay. He's gotta now, I have to negotiate with him, because my fear was triggered by him and and then you have to go and go into the negotiations with the drama. And you have to, you know, talk respectfully, and all those things are good.
Vonne Solis 29:55
Barbara With 29:55
But that doesn't get to the root of the conflict.
Vonne Solis 30:00
Barbara With 30:01
Because by the time the conflict manifests in the lens of physical world.
Vonne Solis 30:06
Barbara With 30:06
It's already happening in those three human dimensions that are in the non-physical.
Vonne Solis 30:12
So I just want to jump in really quickly here. So that's again, coming from the intellect, ego, outside of ourselves. Where we're we're guided to and I don't know if this is brain-based. Like, if you say, like, where an operating system, I understand that operating system, but where it kind of originates? If it originates from the energy?
Barbara With 30:33
The operating system?
Vonne Solis 30:34
Yeah. Where does the operating system, this operating system originate? You know what I'm saying? If you can, if you can answer that. Because it, because it would make me kind of go, Well, wait a minute. If, if, if we're changing to a complete I have to keep looking at this. But the compassion-based operating system, right? The fifth fundamental. Intuition. Driving you. Guiding us. All this inner, inner love. Peace, finding ourselves, etc,. Why so this this comes right back to the question, why are we here? And so it's almost like the current operating system is intentional for us to transform to the fifth fundamental. The compassion-based operating system. Is that it? Is that it?
Barbara With 31:26
Well it is. It's the current, the fear-based operating system, I believe, was created so that we would exercise our power to transcend it. Because, you know, you don't win a marathon by sitting around thinking about running.
Vonne Solis 31:44
Barbara With 31:44
You have to get out and run. You have to do it. Do it. You have to make those decisions. You have to use your self-will.You have to inspire yourself to go do what it takes. And that's what life is like. We've come here. Everybody has this bucket of whatever. Karma, energy. And it is what it is. And you know, I can't ask, Well, why did I get this and why was I born? It's like, no, no. What? What was I born with? What was I given?
Vonne Solis 32:13
Barbara With 32:13
How do I reach my fullest potential?
Vonne Solis 32:17
Yes. Yes.
Barbara With 32:18
I think that's the purpose of the fear-based operating system. It's like the structure with which we're going to work to make that change. And as such, the important piece is our willingness to make the decision to take the action. Because no one can make force us. No one can force us to change. We have to make that decision. And that's where the power lies, of course. But, you were talking about the origination of the operating system. Okay, I'm going to tell you very briefly, and then you're gonna have to listen back.
Vonne Solis 32:51
Barbara With 32:52
First of all, remember that at the root of everything is a mystery.
Vonne Solis 32:56
Barbara With 32:57
So nobody really knows. It's a mystery. We accept that. It's a mystery, and that humbles us. Okay, but what do we think it is? So what Einstein says is compassion as the fifth fundamental force ...
Vonne Solis 33:10
Barbara With 33:10
Interacts with energy.
Vonne Solis 33:13
Barbara With 33:14
And that creates consciousness. And then consciousness interacts with what we call the math.
Vonne Solis 33:26
The math.
Barbara With 33:26
So the structure. You know, the table has a math. It's this high, it's that wide, it's in this space time. So consciousness interacts with the math to eventually create the mass.
Vonne Solis 33:40
Barbara With 33:42
The separation. The physical world.
Vonne Solis 33:45
Yeah. Okay.
Barbara With 33:49
I know.
Vonne Solis 33:49
No. I get it. I get it. Separation equals the physical world. I get it. I will, I'm writing down. Audience, I'm writing down. I hope you are too. Okay, so we're listen, we're just touching on things. But you see, even understanding everything we've talked to this point and just touching on it. Okay, we can go super deep. You could go super deep, etc, etc, etc, even get into the mathematics and physics of it all, etc, etc., the quantum stuff. You know, it's just to kind of, oh, maybe. Awaken it in somebody, in whatever way they can be awakened. And you know, what's so interesting is I'm coming across more and more articles from scientists that are they're studying consciousness. And I just had an article come across my news feed this morning, early this morning. And the scientists were so excited, because they've now got some kind of proof of consciousness. You're probably aware of this. But it and I didn't read the article at this moment, because I've seen it a couple times earlier this year and one not too long ago, where scientists have found something to sort of, I'll just use the word quantified, dark matter.
And so they're looking at these things and getting excited. And based on the way we still view ourselves and the world from the five sense senses we need this type of work I would offer. I'm not a scientist, but to kind of prove to people right? Because in our five senses framework, we have to see it to believe it, right? And that isn't the case. You know, when you all of this stuff is happening way outside ourselves, right Barbara?
Barbara With 35:06
Yes. And inside ourselves.
Vonne Solis 35:13
Inside ourselves, but we can't see inside ourselves. So if I say to you, what's inside? What is inside of us, Barbara? What do you mean when you say inside of us? How are you going to answer that question? Consciousness? Like what? Heart?
Barbara With 36:00
There's inside and then there's outside, right? Easy to understand. Inside of us is the non-physical. Outside of us is the physical.
Vonne Solis 36:13
Barbara With 36:14
So what's inside of us is this non-physical operating system. Energy systems, pieces of it, like the three human dimensions and other things that allow compassion in the void to interact with this energy and then create this consciousness that comes out and interacts with the mathematics. So my consciousness is interacting with my compilation they call it. Like a particle as all the math of every thing that I'm experiencing right here. So that that happening in the center of the earth, all of that mysterious compassion doing that.
Vonne Solis 36:51
Barbara With 36:51
As a gravitational wave through the Earth. The inner world of the earth. And then it bursts through into the outer world. The external world, creating your body. And you're in what we call the lens. So now we're in the lens of the physical world and we'll be able to see the separation. So it started in my compilation as mathematics that, you know, there was the chair and the light, and they all had that. This incredible process of moving up this gravitational wave as everything starts to separate.
Vonne Solis 37:23
Barbara With 37:23
And get redady to be perceived. Where we then in our bodies we project it, right?
Vonne Solis 37:29
Barbara With 37:29
In in me, it's a it's, I am a chair. And as I revolve it and project it, it's, that is a chair. So it's a huge system. And yet, I think, I think even it's hard to when you're first hearing about is like, what, how do you process da da da da? But when you're really superimposed them, the planet? You're using, this isn't just like some rainbow bridges somewhere, or there's the, whatever they call, you know, spiritual stuff. It's like, no. Here's the earth. Here's the center of the earth, and this is where we originate. And here's an actual gravitational wave that goes to the actual surface of the earth. And so we are the earth. And that's why I say, when we do our work, because those three human dimensions exist between the source and the center and the lens in that part of the earth. So when we do that work, we actually physically change the earth because we are part of the earth.
Vonne Solis 38:24
Barbara With 38:24
We are part of creating the physical world of the earth.
Vonne Solis 38:26
Yeah. For the audience, Barbara has done more work on on this as our origin, our origin at the center of the earth, in, in did you say it's like dark matter? Is it dark matter at the center of the earth? And we're not going to be able to talk a lot about that today, but what I'm I'm just wanting to feed back to you, so I love what you said. Let's just go back to help the audience that at the root of everything is a mystery. I don't think anyone would would deny saying that, where do we go? Where do we come from? No one knows, etc, but in this work that you do, actually, there is an answer for that. Ah, here's where we come from. We come from dark mass at the center, or dark matter at the center of the Earth. I'm I'm paraphrasing back to you in this very newbie brain of mine.
Barbara With 38:26
Doing well.
Vonne Solis 38:26
Thank you, understanding this. And I get all that, and I get all that, and we can interact with that energy, and do interact with that energy, the more that we're in touch with in ourselves, based on our intuition guiding us to find that and change our energy and etc. I'm just really loosely feeding this back to you, but it's, it's when I say,when we talk. I think what's really important for me is the operating system and the change to the one from a fear-based operating system people can understand. Or that people can definitely, Oh, I get it. Fear-based operating system. And then within that we can dig into it's based on intellect, ego, guiding us, and everything happening outside of the body, blame judgment, all these, all these lower emotions. Because you said within that we've got intellect, Intuit, emotion, but the and in that that's just packed. We all know ego is largely packed with negative emotions. It can be packed with positive ones too. But there is again, and it's usually from external pleasures, things that are external material. We can see them. I can show somebody I got a flashy car, big house, money, etc. None of that's happening inside of us. It's all to basically prove that, you know, we're at the top of the game in this fear-based system. We are succeeding, right? That's how I'm sort of seeing it in my head. But within that, we've got the intuit, the intuition. Which is what can lead us and does lead us to the to change to the compassion-based operating system. So we can choose. We can become willing participants and choose to live our lives based on a different operating system. The compassion-based operating system simply. Well, not simply. Let me, let me rephrase that, by doing the hard work of what we started this conversation with. Going within, finding ourselves, loving ourselves, being guided to what we're here to do on the planet, and choosing to be a different way. To function, or I use the word function, but that's maybe not the right word. Vibrate. Be from the compassion-based system. Have I kind of got that sort of, would you say that's kind of I could you can understand that I'm saying that? I'm trying to make this as is like writing on a whiteboard for people.
Barbara With 42:01
And I don't want to give the impression that if you have physical possessions or manifestations or fancy cars, is that what you want, or is that what you tell yourself you want?
Vonne Solis 42:11
So you were going to say the impetus to create that in your life? Check that. Understand. So I agree with you and we should be living wonderful, beautiful, rich lives in every way you can imagine it, but not just to prove your worth or all those other things that are wrapped up in ego. Did you want, did you want to add to that?
Barbara With 42:32
Well, my example is always when I was very, very young, and I was a musician. I was writing music when I was 12, and I went out on the road when I was 17, and all I ever wanted to be was a rock star. And I put every possible thing, I gave my whole life. 150% of my life, my thoughts, my feelings, my senses, my actions, for probably 20 years. And while metaphorically, you might say, I had experiences like a rock star, I never became a rock star. And in and when I was 20 years into it, I thought I was a failure. Now that I'm nearly 70, I look back and go, Thank God I never fulfilled that, that dream, because I didn't want to go in that path, ultimately. I didn't want to live in that lifestyle.
Vonne Solis 43:21
Barbara With 43:21
But what was driven by that kind of emptiness inside and the need to prove myself in the externals. And when we fill that up, and we self-love, and we find the love within us that we're looking for, then we don't have that need to go outside ourselves and drive ourselves to prove ourselves. I'm very much a minimalist now. I want less.
Vonne Solis 43:45
Me too. As you're talking, though, and again, for the audience, I have one thing to say to you, Barbara. I actually think you are a rock star.
Barbara With 43:53
Thank you. Thank you. Yes, I have become a rock star.
Vonne Solis 43:56
You are you are a rock star, just maybe not with an instrument. A musical instrument in front of you. But yeah, no question about that. So it's how we want to think about rock star, right? But other, the other thing I want to just say about this, this fear-based operating system that we are here. So if I go right back to what you basically said a little bit earlier, and when you said, you know, we you we came here to find meaning. There's no greater purpose. Okay, so tie this in. So we come here to find purpose audience. No no greater purpose than to find meaning, I should say. And I agree with that Barbara 100% and I think most people would. And I think most people do want just peace and ease in their lives. Comfort, you know. We do. And I don't think there's very many of us here that are happy with, you know, war and strife, you know, in the world. You know, you look at the world and it's such a gorgeous planet. That's, you know, and, and I sometimes just sit here and go like, are you? I live on Vancouver Island right? And I'm like, Are you kidding me? Like, everywhere you look here, it's absolutely exquisitely beautiful, as are many places in the world. Why do people want to destroy this? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why do they have to, you know, live with this, you know, barbarism and all this other stuff?
But putting that in the context of what you said earlier, also, it's really about us taking an interest in mastering the operating system. Mastering that transition to compassion-based operating system. I think for me, that's what going to is going to be one of my absolute key takeaways from our talk. I mean, there will be others, but right now, as I'm listening and trying to help people think about this. It's our willingness to just want to be better and be different and be these wonderful, loving beings that I think is our ultimate goal. Not our ultimate goal, sorry, our ultimate state. I've often called it as sort of our ultimate state, and just a return to that. But what your work does is it gives the actual almost like rules to the game.
And as you were talking before about, you were talking about the root of everything is a mystery. And then you were talking about compassion relates to energy. I put little arrows, so I need the right word, but compassion, it moves to energy. Moves to is probably the wrong word, right? What, so we talked about. You went compassion, energy, consciousness, to the math, to structure, which creates the mass, which is, then, you know, the separation as represented by the current physical world. But what would be the right word when we talk about instead of my little arrow going right, what's that word?
Barbara With 46:46
I think compassion impels to become consciousness.
Vonne Solis 46:51
That's the word I want. And I can deal with that. And I can keep looking at that. So what that does is it gives me a structure to understand all of this stuff I inherently and millions do know as the way we don't want to live and the way we do want to live. That gives the the structure and almost like a mathematical equation, right? And there probably is one for it, right? There is one for it.
Barbara With 47:17
I won't be writing it, but there is one for it.
Vonne Solis 47:19
Right. So that's how to the point that we've talked in this episode, we can quantify compassion as a and as an and operating system as one from ego to compassion where you can have everything you deserve and already are at our core. Center of the Earth core. And it's just up to us whether we want to be willing enough to to part, you know, participate in transforming that. And as we were talk, you were talking little about and when it started about, well, at the root of everything is a mystery, I had this little chuckle to myself because I thought the whole thing is a game. Like, it's like a game. Life is like this game. And if you succeed and get to you know, what is it, boardwalk, or whatever? You know, you win. You win the prize. And that prize being your life. Your life on your own terms. And nothing has to be a disappointment, you know, because we're following the guidance from the intuition. That's how I'm processing in my brain, Barbara and, you know, sort of saying it back to you in a way that I'm hoping somebody else. The audience can also resonate with and go, Okay, so it's complicated, but not really that complicated, because we don't have to go and sit there and figure out the formulas.
Barbara With 47:43
Well, as one of my scientist friends said, people don't have to describe to you how the lawn mower works to cut the grass. They just have to know how to start the lawn mower and ...
Vonne Solis 48:54
cut the grass.
Barbara With 48:56
Vonne Solis 48:56
And and yeah.
Barbara With 48:58
I have two different ways of approaching this. One is for the amateur physicists who love to hear all the unified field theory and how it works and how you know, me explaining how matter is manifested. And then I have the really simple, down and clean. I was gonna say dirty, but just simple process of Conflict Revolution. Just really, really simple. It's hard to do because we have been raised, I think probably anybody who is listening to this, no matter how old you are, we've been we've grown up in a society of propaganda. Propaganda that has taught us that making money is the first thing that we have to learn how to do And granted, yes, we have to know how to sustain ourselves.
But really, the first thing we should be doing is figuring out who we are and what kind of world do we want to create forourselves. What kind of world, do we want to go into high finance? Do we want to go into horse training? Do we want to be a psychic? Do we want to be a Wall Street you know, all of that stuff. When you take out the intellect that's telling us, driving us. You know, here you have to external things will fulfill you. Money is going to be your source of safety. All of this. And and go back to the inner world of who we are, what we need, what are our special needs? I have special needs. And they're not special needs any different than your special needs. You have your special needs for what you've been through. What are they. Do you even know what your needs are? And those simple questions that people can like, What, what do I need? What do you need spiritually? What do you need physically? What do you need emotionally? What do you need intellectually? You know, some people need great intellectual simulation. Other people need to step back. We need to know ourselves.
Speaker 1 50:58
Yeah, and as you're talking, I was sitting here thinking two things. One, our needs, obviously can change and do change. So it's to be aware of this at all times. Very, very intuitive to our inner being, our inner state. I just kind of will use that word right now. And second of all, you can change the rules of the game. That's what kind of came to me. I can change the rules of the game. Because what following up on what you were saying, and this conversation is going a little bit different than I thought it was going to go, because I thought we were going to stay way more on the other all of this other stuff. Quantifying stuff, but we say we're saying what we need to to say in a way that needs to be said for those to digest, hear it and digest it in the way that they need to. And that includes myself, okay, by the way.
Vonne Solis 51:50
But I'm I'm just want to reiterate the focus in this conversation today Barbara is on compassion. People switching to an understanding of all that we've just talked about, and that I won't repeat. But a couple of things that's so interesting, and I'll ask you about them, just for your sort of opinion, or if you have any information or any messages you've channelled on this. A couple years ago, two, three, maybe years ago, from a psychiatry community who works in trauma, they were talking about compassion. And that from at least the human brain, we're not really fully equipped. Okay, this is what I want to say to you. The brain is not fully equipped to express compassion in the way that we could fully experience it. So I I've always, I remember that, and because at the same time, a lot of the work in psychiatry at that time, and maybe today, too, is turning more to compassion-based therapy. Interesting hey?
So, but when we talk in human terms about compassion, we're talking about being kind or being more empathetic. Generally, more empathetic and and putting yourself in the shoes of somebody else. You know, just kind right? Just be kind. There might be another one or two, but that's what they were sort of looking at. But the they were talking about with the reptilian brain being still just not developed enough that where compassion lies in the brain, it wouldn't allow us to fully experience it. I'm just trying to process in my head here, because the question, I guess, would be to you, just for your opinion, is the more we can switch ourselves. Transform ourselves, to function from the compassion-based operating system. And folks keep in mind, there is mathematics to the operating system. It's quantifiable. And this is where the work of Einstein in his unified field theory, theory had compassion as the fifth fundamental. And I want to touch on that very briefly, just so people can understand. We're not just talking about this. You're certainly not talking. This is why I'm saying. You've put this into a quantifiable, you know, reality for me, even if I don't fully understand it, like most people don't. As we move to the compassion-based operating system, do you think it would change our brain then? If scientists talking about studying the brain say where compassion lies, which, of course, nobody could measure, right? It doesn't, it doesn't allow us yet to fully function as compassionate beings.
Barbara With 54:33
Well, I think, I think there's some truth to that statement. That the the, I will call it the intellect, as opposed to the brain.
Vonne Solis 54:40
Okay, okay.
Barbara With 54:41
Compassion originates in the brain. It originates in the center of the planet.
Vonne Solis 54:45
In consciousness?
Barbara With 54:45
Vonne Solis 54:45
In consciousness?
Barbara With 54:46
Yeah. So compassion interacts with energy to create the consciousness. What we're made of. So but what they're getting at, I think, is what prevents us from living this compassionate, compassion. Aligned to compassion, is in the intellect because the ego has been given the power mysteriously, why, I don't know, to say no to intuition. Which is the voice of compassion.
Vonne Solis 55:17
So let me rephrase that. Let me okay. Ego has been given the power to say no to compassion? Okay, making the game harder.
Barbara With 55:28
Yes, and, but when, that's why, when we master it, you know that scientists are going, well, it's maybe it's an evolutionary thing that's like you know, 200 years down the pike, the brain will have evolved enough to receive compassion. No, when we do this work, we're evolving our brains.
Vonne Solis 55:46
Barbara With 55:47
We're aligning our brains to compassion in the form of intuition.
Vonne Solis 55:51
Barbara With 55:52
Creating a whole new way to operate.
Vonne Solis 55:55
So the key for me is understanding compassion does not lie in the brain. Got nothing to do with my brain. It lies in consciousness. And the scientists will now try and prove where consciousness lies. I remember the work of Deepak Chopra years ago, and others trying to, I will say, measure consciousness, but more than that, prove consciousness is everywhere. And they did in, you know, through different experiments with different, you know, people in different rooms, and, you know, stuff like, you know, like. You know what I mean?
Barbara With 56:31
Yeah, I do, but I'm not a scientist either.
Vonne Solis 56:34
No, no, and, and, but that type of thing. When scientists are still trying to study and prove and things like that, and if they're still doing it within the five senses framework, we're still going to be very limited in our understanding of what it is. So you're helping me break free of that and understand, no, it's not there. The consciousness is simply that whole thing at the center of the Earth. The the the waves. So should, should we think of consciousness as energy, waves, vibration? Are they all the same thing?
Barbara With 57:12
Well, it's all part of it. It's all part of the having this human experience.
Vonne Solis 57:18
Barbara With 57:19
That there there. I just did a channel, in fact, that said, Everything vibrates. It's they're being all the objects in the world vibrate. They're being sung to life by compassion. And but it's what frequency, like this glass has a different frequency than this microphone, and we tune in to that frequency of glass. So it's vibrating. Everything's vibrating, but they each have their own frequency that identify them in however, this magical way that we have to be alive. The more we talk, the more I'm just astounded we're even having a physical experience, you know? It's such a miracle. It's such a mysterious miracle that we take for granted, I think most of the time.
Vonne Solis 58:04
I have to write that down though. Vibration is being sung to life by compassion.
Barbara With 58:10
All the physical objects in our world are being sung to life, which is the vibration by compassion and then imbued with their own frequency to have their own identity.
Vonne Solis 58:22
Wow. Okay, so I'm going to be digesting that. See, this isn't going the way I thought it was going to be going.
Barbara With 58:28
Well, I'll come back and do them another one.
Vonne Solis 58:30
Yeah, so that's okay. This is going the way it needs to go, and what I need to hear, and what others who are going to hear this are going to hear, too. But I did just want to quickly, before we sort of get to your, what I really want us to end with cross pollinating of energy, and I feel like we barely touched anything. But I know when I listen back to this, this is going to be packed, packed with information. But I did want to, just to help people understand the quantifying of it. Because for me, this is what makes it real, quote, unquote real, okay? And it was wrapped up in the work of Einstein and his Unified Field Theory. Which is his Unified Field Theory the same as map of human consciousness? Or are they two different things?
Barbara With 59:20
The map of human consciousness is in the Unified Field Theory, and he brings it out because you can't have a relationship to the physical world without being human.
Vonne Solis 59:31
Okay, so everything you've just talked about this episode, I want to wrap it up to finish this piece of it in the four fundamental forces. That my understanding of it, compassion is the fifth and is responsible for all of creation. And I think you've made that pretty clear. We now unraveled that in the episode for me, how that happens. How it actually impels, you were saying, the creation of the physical world based on utilizing the three influences. And those three influences if you want to talk about them, because I had them in my phone, but for my audience, so everything you've talked about is making sense. And then you say, Okay, well, how do you know that's true? How do you know that's real?Because Einstein's theory showed we could quantify compassion as the fifth fundamental force. Have I got that part right?
Barbara With 1:00:26
Vonne Solis 1:00:27
And compassion impels all creation by utilizing these three influences which is, you say, impels energy to step out of thenothing into everything that surrounds all mathematics taking place, operating like a black hole in the center of theearth. So again, I think we talked about that a little bit earlier. About the origin of us and how you explained it, which I'm going to have to go back and listen to many times. But then the other two, the other two influences. Aligning us to our true north. And third, imbues all energy with the deep understanding that we're all one being. And the reason, if you just want to sum any of that up for both me and the audience, is to really understand everything that you've talked about to this point in this episode, and we talked almost always all about compassion. But the two operating systems, let's keep it in that frame, because that's easy for people to understand. Fear-based, compassion-based. How do I want to operate? So these influences, that's what was quantified. And is this what Einstein sort of left the scientific world to ponder? Compassion as the fifth fundamental force? Or did he have it all mapped out and nobody under really, really understands it?
Barbara With 1:01:53
Before he died?
Vonne Solis 1:01:55
Right? No, before he died.
Barbara With 1:01:56
No, no. He had absolutely no idea before he died. No idea that compassion was the fifth fundamental force of the universe. Because when he got into afterlife and started to figure out how everything worked, he realized that compassion, if you, you know Einstein, loved the compass.
Vonne Solis 1:02:14
Yeah, I didn't know that. But ...
Barbara With 1:02:15
In real life, when he was a kid, that was what inspired him. So compassion, if you take the root of it, the compass. It draws circles, right? There's a compass that draws circles. So that's creates this, this electromagnetic domain of our compilation. This circular particle that becomes us, okay? Compassion, does, it creates this circle. Then it'll like a compass that aligns us to true north, it aligns that circle with the true north of the earth.
Vonne Solis 1:02:43
Barbara With 1:02:43
So we're because we're in the center of the planet now. So we're all on the same map.
Vonne Solis 1:02:47
Barbara With 1:02:47
We all have the same latitude, longitude all that time, space.
Vonne Solis 1:02:50
Barbara With 1:02:51
And, and the third thing of it, imbuing us with this intrinsic knowledge that we're, we're really just one force.
Vonne Solis 1:02:59
Barbara With 1:02:59
Is what gives compassion the impetus, as the voice of intuition, to tell us the next step for the good of the whole. Because we intrinsically know underneath our intellect all of this. And then it gets to the intellect, and this is where all the trouble starts.
Vonne Solis 1:03:19
Right. Until it doesn't, because we understand.
Barbara With 1:03:22
Vonne Solis 1:03:23
So my question ...
Barbara With 1:03:24
Vonne Solis 1:03:24
So the more we master this of transforming to the compassion-based operating system, do we feed that energy back to the center of the earth? I know you said we can work in that center of the earth, and ultimately. Well, okay, does it just change that energy, well, certainly within us and all those presumably we touch? But also, does it, is it shifting?Is it shifting the energy in the center of the earth the more of us that do this?
Barbara With 1:03:59
Absolutely, absolutely. Because when that gravitational wave leaves the center of the planet. Makes its way up and creates the lens, it keeps going. We have our body in the lens. Which, by the way, they he says, the interface between the non-physical and the physical is the hippocampus.
Vonne Solis 1:04:16
Okay. That's the link to the physical and non-physical is the hippocampus.
Barbara With 1:04:21
Vonne Solis 1:04:21
Barbara With 1:04:22
So, so the wave continues to the edge of the Earth's electromagnetic field, because the Earth has this electromagnetic field that flows through the North Pole and through the South Pole. And it flows back up, and it goes down into the center of the planet, back into the into the source, in the center.
Vonne Solis 1:04:38
Barbara With 1:04:39
Back into your compilation to begin again. And it spins at the speed of light squared.
Vonne Solis 1:04:45
Barbara With 1:04:46
So it's, it's like a, like a movie projector.
Vonne Solis 1:04:50
Barbara With 1:04:51
The thing the film that it's projecting. So when we're in our physical bodies, and we're making these different decisions. Like I make the decision instead of lashing out at this person or blaming them, or projecting, I make the decision to step back and take a breath and be a peacemaker. That follow that decision becomes the math of that wave that then comes back around and goes into the planet and comes back to me.
Vonne Solis 1:05:16
Right. As your reality. Doesn't it come...
Barbara With 1:05:19
Vonne Solis 1:05:20
Well, does it come back to you as you're creating your reality then?
Barbara With 1:05:23
Vonne Solis 1:05:23
And you see one thing that people have such a hard time understanding. Those that are poor me and I have such a hardlife and whatever, they really are missing the whole thing. In a way, if we could even impel ourselves to function, to be to have to develop, to align. I'm trying to find the words as you can see with a compassion-based operating system, it doesn't even have to be about us. It's about the oneness of us. And so there are many, many components to this. But as you were speaking and the minute you said, movie projector, I went, well, that's that's the movie we see for our lives. So in that sense, what we're giving back to the center, the origin. It's coming back at speed of light, whatever, however fast my movie. My movie's, coming back to me and presenting me with the life that I am basically creating from this energy, right?
Barbara With 1:06:22
That yes. And that's why I have found that I can be fully human. I suffer. I get poor me. I had a reading once by someone, and he said, Oh, Einstein says you're a whiner. Yeah, I'm a whiner. It's hard sometimes. I cry sometimes. I I fee hopeless sometimes. But in the bigger picture, when I have a gratitude that this is part of this bigger journey that I am on, that I have been given. That I'm creating to master this. And this is just one more step. Like you're training for a marathon, and sometimes at mile 19, you know, on month four, you hurt like heck. But are you going to stop and whine and cry and not go on? You can.
Vonne Solis 1:07:09
Barbara With 1:07:09
Or are you going to stop and whine and cry and then get up the next day and go on to continue on your mastery of whatever it is you're doing? You can do both. You can love every part. Even the most unlovable parts you can have compassion for.
Speaker 1 1:07:24
Yeah. You know what? Give, we give ourselves permission. But at our core, once we've made this, once we've started this transformation, Barbara? Even though I started mine years and years ago, in the early 80s, I, you can't turn back on it. You just can't. You can't. Once you've got knowledge, you can't. And now it'll be so interesting to see what the heck happens to me with tying it all together like this. And I don't know, I'm like, God forbid, there's more pieces. I'm actually doing acupuncture, which has taken me to this dimension physically and spiritually on the table. And I come away like very, very impacted by it. And now I know where I'm going.
Vonne Solis 1:08:05
So I want to, we're at the top of the hour, and I don't want to let you go, but I know I have to. And you have made this so, so, so interesting and clear for me. I want to leave one last thing about the operating system, though. You talk about waking up in different parts of ourselves in the non-physical world. So I want the audience just to understand that changing the thinking within us, the consciousness and relying on intuition. I love you had said this, and you may not even remember you said it. But you said it's like waking up in different parts of ourselves. Meaning there can be parts of ourselves vibrating. And I want to just really talk quickly about cross-pollinating of energy, because all of this ties into that.
You were, you were talking in another episode about like the afterlife, ongoing consciousness, waking up in different parts of ourselves. So in other words, time, space. Because of how all of this works, it really is true, we can astral travel, right? We can, is this the space we visit with our loved ones in spirit? Because this whole world makes understanding our loved ones who have left us physically are merely like right here, right?
Barbara With 1:09:30
They are also a string.
Vonne Solis 1:09:32
A string.
Barbara With 1:09:34
That starts in the center of the planet. Works its way up. Now what happens is, very briefly, is that when we have these bodies are created which are giving us the earth. These are projection. It's made to project the physical world. And so when we lose our bodies, we don't lose the spinning string. We have all that information, all that we live forever on this spinning string.
Vonne Solis 1:10:02
Spinning string, yeah.
Barbara With 1:10:03
And so when Einstein is working with me, he has his spinning string. I have my spinning string, and they overlap and they become, because they are energy, right?
Vonne Solis 1:10:14
Barbara With 1:10:15
Consciousness. It becomes, and then he can come up through me. Use my voice, use my my three human dimensions. So your daughter is here, and she's dark matter is what she is, because she doesn't have a physical body with which to turn it into light. You know.
Vonne Solis 1:10:34
Do you need a physical body to turn energy or matter into light, though? Because what you just said, when, if you say to me, she and you did say to me, our loved ones, well, let me, let me rephrase this to you. So our loved ones, who have gone in spirit are dark matter again. They're dark matter because that is the place of our origin.
Barbara With 1:10:58
Vonne Solis 1:10:59
That's the place of us. So we so people can, you know, people think of dark as bad, right? It's not bad, so dark matter is not bad people, right? So ...
Barbara With 1:11:08
And it's not that dark matter is not made of compassion. Everything's made of compassion.
Vonne Solis 1:11:13
Everything's made of compassion.
Barbara With 1:11:14
It's just that when this non-physical world gets to the surface of the planet and is going to create the lens, let there be light, right? To create the world God said. God said, First came the sound. First came the voice of compassion. To make the command, let there be light. Then there was light that created this physical lens of the world. And it in the physical lens of the world it's at light speed.
Vonne Solis 1:11:42
Yeah, light light speed.
Barbara With 1:11:45
When it's the gravitational wave, it's the speed of light squared that's spinning and spinning and spinning, and then it slows down. Let there be light.
Vonne Solis 1:11:54
Creates mass.
Barbara With 1:11:55
The mass. Which is the projection of the mathematics.
Vonne Solis 1:11:59
Yeah, including everything, people. Our our bodies, everything. So I just want to really, we're gonna, we're gonna close this off Barbara, but I just want to really end with so I can understand and so think about dark matter. So when it comes to our loved ones, and most of us, want to think of them as angels and pure light and all of this stuff. And for people who are lucky enough to have visits with loved ones, and I've had years and years and years of visits with my daughter right from hours after she passed,I want to be able to have a different relationship to thinking about our loved ones no longer in physical form. And I'm not super comfortable yet with going, Oh well, they're dark matter. So we're saying this here, and I could just go, oh my god, like they're gonna what?
Barbara With 1:12:44
Well, maybe it's that they're travelling at the speed of light squared. Their energy is is vibrating at the speed of light squared, and without anything to slow them down into the light squared, we can communicate them with them in that state. Because they have this the thing about dark matter, just quickly, is it? The thing about dark matter is you can't see anything in it. See, but you see the shapes of the by the gravitational waves in there that are being reflected off it. So you see the shape. It's why there's like the ghostly shapes of people.
Vonne Solis 1:13:22
So why have we been conditioned to be so afraid of dark holes, dark matter, dark space?
Barbara With 1:13:30
It's the it's the way you know, partly religions you know, have had to separate the dark, the dark, evil stuff, from the light, good stuff and ...
Vonne Solis 1:13:40
The fear-based operating system.
Barbara With 1:13:41
Dark and light, we wouldn't have beautiful paintings without dark and light. So the same with emotion. You know? We wouldn't have the full breadth of creation without anger and sadness and despair, too.
Vonne Solis 1:13:52
Yeah, yeah. So audience, please rethink dark matter. But Barbara, I will take with me our loved ones are vibrating at the speed of light squared, and we can't, we can't even really comprehend that, I mean, until we do it ourselves. And so ...
Barbara With 1:14:11
Gravity. You can't see it. You can't know where it originates, but it's there.
Vonne Solis 1:14:16
Back to origination. And we can see them any way we want to. And they do appear to us because of this whole time space slowing the slowing the vibration down. Is that how they can appear to us in form and stuff like that then, when we meet each other? And so when people have sort of dream visit, astral visit, we can now understand that as the vibration of consciousness from both, both of us. Living, physical and non-physical, coming and meeting at a point?
Barbara With 1:14:47
If your daughter is sharing your gravitational wave?
Vonne Solis 1:14:50
Barbara With 1:14:50
It's coming up into you.
Vonne Solis 1:14:53
Barbara With 1:14:53
And she's planting that information that you're then projecting out, whether you see it as her form. You know, I I see it in very different ways. You know, when I talk to people who've passed on. But it all comes up, and then we project it out however it's however it's being expressed. So she's slowing down a bit through your body.
Vonne Solis 1:15:12
Yeah, yeah. Well, I'm, I've been an angel channel since 2006 so working with this anyway, and not really fully understanding, but I would think the angelic realm was sort of the same idea, right? Just anything we channel, just the same idea. Your your parties, uh, Party of 12, and probably counting. Probably more.
Barbara With 1:15:31
There's quite a few more now.
Vonne Solis 1:15:32
Listen, Barbara, this has been absolutely amazing, amazing, amazing. And the time has just flown by. And I know we can't keep going, but I know that I asked for your key takeaway. And do you have a key takeaway that you want to leave people? I know you talk about doing the inner work and self-mastery as essential for world peace. Do you want to just elaborate a little bit on that, or leave people with anything else?
Barbara With 1:16:01
When you get up in the morning, if you really want to do this work. If you really want to learn about yourself, start, just start this way. Set your intention after your prayer of gratitude, thank you for another day of life, whatever. Set your intention that you're going to cultivate for yourself a witness of yourself. And that you're going to go about the day, and as much as you can draw attention to this intention that you're going to watch yourself throughout the day, what are you thinking? What are you feeling? What is intuition telling you in any moment? So you're in line at the supermarket, and somebody in the express line has way too many articles, and you start making the puffing sounds with your mouth, you know. Stop. Witness yourself and separate those things. What are you thinking? You're thinking this woman is inconsiderate, blah, blah blah. What are you feeling? I'm feeling anger. What would intuition tell you to do in this moment?
Vonne Solis 1:16:55
Hmm mm.
Barbara With 1:16:57
And you will see where all the conflicts arise, because your intellect will say, WHAA! Nothing, I know everything. Use your witness to master that and say, Listen mind, slow down a bit. Quiet yourself down. Take a breath.
Vonne Solis 1:17:13
Barbara With 1:17:14
What should I do? Be kind? Can you be kind when you have anger in you? This is the whole work of Conflict Revolution that we do. So I'll leave you with that.
Speaker 1 1:17:25
Yeah. I was turning going to turn to your resources absolutely next. So we've already mentioned the websites, but I'll mention them again, synergyalliance.llc and barbarawith.com. Through your Conflict Revolution work you're doing, do you want to just explain how people can work with you Barbara, or attend one of your speaking events?
Barbara With 1:17:49
Well, you can go to barbarawith.com and find all of my offerings there. Right now, I'm doing a meditation study group on Wednesdays, but I'm going to be offering some how to channel courses, and also some some little bit longer-term conflict revolution study groups when we get into next year. I've got kind of this whole shift going, and this construction of my own processes or structures and how I do things, but, and you can always hire me for a reading. And if anybody who's listening wants to reach out to me and say, I heard you on Vonne's podcast, I will give them the cost of a half hour reading, and then they'll go for an hour.
Vonne Solis 1:18:36
Oh, very nice, very nice.
Barbara With 1:18:38
And then I do one on one coaching with conflict revolution. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff, and I have a lot, a lot a lot of free stuff that you can learn on your own.
Speaker 1 1:18:48
Yeah. Are you doing like with con I didn't want to skip over Conflict Revolution, because it's very important, but a lot of what we talked about today, is Conflict Revolution. It was sort of, was it born from your channeling Einstein?
Barbara With 1:19:03
It was actually born from channelling the angels with the psychic sorority, and they gave us the process to work on conflicts. And then we had conflicts amongst us.
Speaker 1 1:19:12
Oh, yeah, I remember, I remember reading, so you had to sort of go through it. And so through Conflict Revolution, do you actually have speaking events around the world on it, or is Conflict Revolution, they sign up.Can take study with you, with privately and courses. Or how do people participate in that part of your work?
Barbara With 1:19:33
Yes, you can, you can sign up to do the the course. I'm going to have, I'm just finishing up my downloadable course of everything that we've talked about with videos of all the creation and all of that, and then Conflict Revolution. And I'm working also on a much simpler one. Just sort of the down and clean version of it that you can download. And so this is all in the in the works right now. And then, when I leave on my World Tour, I'll be it's spontaneously, I've got some speaking engagements at in Duluth and in Minneapolis. And then as I head out, I have invitations that'll start forming up, and those will all be on my website. And if you want to bring me to you, I can channel Einstein. I can do Conflict Revolution.
Vonne Solis 1:20:17
Well, that's awesome. So you offer so much. I am totally in respect of the energy that you give to all of your work, Barbara, and yeah, I just, like, really respect that. And I'm so grateful that our paths have crossed. And I'll be digesting this, you know, like, I say, forever. And I'll also check out your website to see if there's anything there that I'm interested in.
So audience, I hope that you've enjoyed this conversation with Barbara. I know I have. And Barbara just thank you again for sharing and putting things into sort of, I don't want to say concrete, but more structured terms for certainly, me to understand. And I'm sure this is going to help a lot of people understand that too. The root of it is just be compassionate people. And you know, this episode has taught you really the steps to, I think, really do it. Quantifying it, and actually being able to do it and call that witness for yourself. I love that, and I will remember that too. I mean, I don't live in conflict very much anymore. I, but this is still another way to for someone starting to, as you say, cultivate a witness and well, what's going on here? And you know, because you don't need to be in fear about anything when you come from a place of love and kindness for yourself and others. That's what I want to end with, right?
Barbara With 1:21:40
Yes. Thank you so much for having me, Vonne.
Vonne Solis 1:21:43
Amazing. Thanks, Barbara.
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