Grief Talk w/ Vonne Solis

Ep. 46 Vibrant Health – Live Younger Longer!

Vonne Solis/Patti Scallan Season 3 Episode 47

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Meet my guest, Patti Scallan. Patti is a long-time alternative health practitioner and nutritionist. At 70 years young, she is the epitome of health and vibrancy. In this episode, Patti shares what motivated her to get healthy and stay living with a positive attitude and excellent health, not least because of her husband's serious health scare.

We discuss what it takes to want to change, nutrition, how to get and stay motivated and the ultimate benefit of wanting to feel our best to experience the vibrancy that positive living creates.

0:00    Welcome
0:32    Meet Patti
2:11    Pillars of health and responsibility
7:10    The more you do, the more you do
8:53    Are you important enough?
10:53  Water consumption
13:08  Gut health, depression & illness
15:57  Nutrition & obesity in the USA
20:14  Prebiotics and Probiotics
23:48  What poor sleep does to us
26:26  Carbs you love to eat!
28:31  Alcohol and good bedtime habits
31:30  Motivation
34:45  Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Tapping
39:16  Engaging in life
45:17  Redox molecule
47:59  Type 2 Diabetes & Inflammation
50:45  Sugar addiction
54:53  Carbs and dopamine
56:06  Patti's resources
58:46  End

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Dr. Kelly Brogan

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Patti Scallan  0:00  
Welcome to another episode of Grief Talk. Everything you want to know about grief and more. I'm your host, Vonne Solis. As an author, life transformation coach, online instructor and bereaved mom since 2005, I'll be bringing you great content that is informative, inspiring and practical. Whether you have suffered a loss or other adversity, stay tuned and tapped in as I cover a variety of topics to help you get where you want to go on your journey to heal and grow. 

Vonne Solis  0:32  
Today's guest is Patti Scallan. Patti has worked in the alternative health care field for 20 years, and is the former owner of a holistic wellness center for 10 of them. Her passion is to help people pull the pieces of their lives together to experience an abundance of joy, health and wealth. Patti believes that the body can heal itself if we give it what it needs. Today, working with a high impact medical breakthrough that works at the body's cellular level, Patti educates people and practitioners on how to live younger and longer, pain free and with the desire and ability to fully engage in their life. 

Vonne Solis  1:10  
So welcome to the show. Patti. I have been looking so forward to having you on this podcast.

Patti Scallan  1:18  
Thank you, Vonne. I'm excited to be here.

Vonne Solis  1:20  
Great. So for the audience, I'm going to say right up that when I first met Patti a short while ago, one of the things that drew me to her and we instantly connected was Patti is the post, I like to call her a poster woman for what she is sharing as I introduced her as an energy worker for 20 years, and also into offering a new medical breakthrough that is a form of alternative healing, if you will. But Patti teaches all about vibrant living. And Patti, we're going to get to it right away. And I'm gonna let you tell people how old you are, if you if you want to share that. Because that's what made me kind of go what? And you need to come on my show to teach with what what you're educating people about. 

Vonne Solis  2:11  
So I'm going to, I'm going to turn it over to you, but I will turn it over to you with the first question being, I know you work with pillars of health, and we're going to be diving into a lot more information about your background. The work you do today.  Who you help. How you help them. The benefits of energy, healing, and so on. But if we could just set this up into the the pillars of health that you work with, which are so so critical to keep and maintain our bodies in ultimate health. And as I will get into a little bit, you and I talked just briefly before this, about how trauma, pain, financial worries. Any kind of stress. Any kind of imbalance can severely damage our bodies. And this episode is for people who want vibrant living. Even if you don't have it today, Patti will show you how you can get it and maintain that desire to live that way. So over to you. Patti pillars of health.

Patti Scallan  3:14  
Well, thank you. It's true. Everything in our life is a choice. Not, what we experience, but how we react to those. And they highly impact our mental attitude, our physical body, all of those things. It's kind of like connecting those dots. So right out the gate. Yes, I am 70 years old. And I know that I don't look it but here's what's really important. I don't feel it, you know? But I take care of myself. People go over, you're just lucky. No, it I work at it. I work. I've worked at it for years. And it's important, what we put in our bodies. Not just our food, but even our thoughts. What are we putting in there? And they affect how we. you know, how we live our life and how fully engaged can we be in our life.

Vonne Solis  4:06  
Yes, I just wrote down here health is not luck, or just genes. So let's dive into what your pillars are.

Patti Scallan  4:17  
Okay, so when I work with people, although I do have the products, I like to get to the source of why they're experiencing what they're experiencing. So the first thing I talk about is do you hydrate? How much water are you drinking in a day? What are your nutrition is like, right? Are you eating processed food? Are you eating a lot of sugar? Are you moving your body? It doesn't have to be heavy duty exercise, but are you moving your body? Are you sleeping well? And then the last thing is stress. What are you doing to relieve stress? Because let's face it, we all have it. 

Vonne Solis  4:56  

Patti Scallan  4:57  

Vonne Solis  4:57  

Patti Scallan  4:58  
Some have more at different times, and I understand that. Believe me, I've come through, you know, quite a few dark souls of the night, but you can get on that other side. You can feel good again. But it is a choice and we have to take responsibility for our health.

Vonne Solis  5:15  
Yeah, so when you talk about these, you know, these we'll call them. Well, they are your pillars. Your water, nutrition, activity, sleeping and stress. Most people I'm going to wager have one or more of these out of balance. Are people attuned to when they're out of balance? When one of these pillars is not working in their life?

Patti Scallan  5:36  
Well some people are more in tune than others. And then if we're in the middle of a life crisis, when we really need to pay the more attention, we don't, because we're down or we're depressed. We don't feel like getting out of bed. And I understand that. But the only person that can change that is you, right? And you know, I've always had that belief that our bodies were designed to heal itself. But we need to give it what it needs.

Vonne Solis  5:40  
Mm hmm. 

Patti Scallan  6:00  
And so again, it's about taking that responsibility. Like, I'll have people that tell me that they're full of inflammation. So you know, their joints hurt and all of this. And we talk about sugar. And they go, Well, I'm addicted to sugar. I can't give that up. Well, then that's a choice. So what you're really choosing is sugar or living pain free. Which is more important to you, right? And I'm not saying they're easy decisions.

Vonne Solis  6:36  

Patti Scallan  6:37  
And I'm also not saying that it's an overnight thing, right? Like, in other words, if you have, let's just take nutrition. Diet okay. Sugar or carbs. If you're eating it three meals a day, let's work on just two meals a day. And then you know what I mean? Like a little bit at a time, a little bit at a time. If you're not using, if you're not used to exercise, we have to move our bodies for more reasons than one. 

Vonne Solis  7:04  

Patti Scallan  7:05  
If you're not used to it, just take a walk down the corner and back. Start there. 

Vonne Solis  7:10  

Patti Scallan  7:10  
Anything is better than nothing. And my son coined a little saying years ago, when he went through his own trauma. The more you do, the more you do. And it's really true. As you start to, you know, move your body a little bit, you realize, you know what? I do feel a little bit better. And, you know, just taking walk, it's not just your physical body that you're impacting. You're impacting your mind. You know, to get outside in the fresh air and see the trees and see nature is good for our emotional wellbeing too.

Vonne Solis  7:43  
Yeah. I'm just going to throw in on a very personal note. I was inactive for a little while, other than some walks. And just due to my schedule. Being a lot busier, and, you know, so on and so forth. And so I made a decision a couple of months ago. Okay, you're gonna start with these three exercises. I used to be able to do maybe 10. And I said, start with three, and increase them to just what you can handle. What feels good for your body. And it makes a difference mentally. And I can actually see the benefits I want, you know, to the area of my body that I'm working out. So you can modify what you used to do and love. Or even if you've never done anything, just start with something really small. And, and it's true. The more you do the you know, the more repetitions you add, and so on and so forth. I know when to stop. And I know personally when to go, you know what? That's enough. You don't, you're not trying to be an Olympian here.

Patti Scallan  8:43  
Well you know what my husband started with? Just going up and down the steps like three times. And then it was five times. 

Vonne Solis  8:51  

Patti Scallan  8:53  
You know? Yeah. But here, here's a really big piece, Vonne. When we try and justify that, you know, we're too busy or we're too tired or all of these things. What I want you to ask yourself is are you important enough?

Vonne Solis  9:12  
Yes, but a lot of people don't think they are.

Patti Scallan  9:14  
Right. But that's something that, you know, we need to ponder. And I think that when we make even those little steps towards doing something, we feel good because we've done something for ourselves. You know, we as women especially are always doing for everyone else, right? 

Vonne Solis  9:32  
Yeah, yeah.

Patti Scallan  9:32  
We're always, we're the nurturer. We're the doers. We're the givers. And we kind of put ourselves last.

Vonne Solis  9:39  
Yes, I fully agree with that. I fully agree with that.

Patti Scallan  9:43  
Put yourself first even if it's for 10 minutes. You know, I put a program on my computer. They have seven minute workouts. So what I do is literally, like if I'm on a lot of zoom calls but I have you know a half-hour break, I take seven minutes. I go behind this chair. I put it on and I do it. Who doesn't have seven minutes?

Vonne Solis  10:04  
I literally think it's attitude. And it's mental conditioning. You need to get yourself to a point where you value yourself enough, whatever it is you're chasing, that you'll invest this, that and whatever in it. But I'm all about, make the start. Just don't not start. Make the start and see where it takes you. Be willing. And whatever you're looking for. But I do want to ask you, Patti, I want to ask you two things. First of all, I want to ask if you could just give us a couple of tips on how much water we should drink? And what kind of a diet should we be looking at? And then I want to ask you, what are we working towards? So let's start with the water and nu, water. How much water are you educating people on that they should be consuming a day?

Patti Scallan  10:53  
Right, so the correct amount is basically half your body weight in ounces. 

Vonne Solis  10:59  

Patti Scallan  10:59  
And most people don't drink enough, but there's a lot of people that drink too much. And there is such a thing as too much. Because what happens if you go much past that, you will begin to flush vital minerals and vitamins out of your body. So you know, really half your body weight in the ounces is what's really good. And you know, the thing with hydration? I mean, I would say that's number one. If you're going to change anything, start there. Our bodies are up to 70% water. When you're, when you have that afternoon slump?

Vonne Solis  11:34  

Patti Scallan  11:34  
You know what it is? It's you're dehydrated. And if you feel thirsty, you're way past dehydration okay? People go well, I drink coffee all day. Coffee is dehydrating you. For every cup of coffee, you have to add an extra cup of water.

Vonne Solis  11:51  
Really? I don't drink coffee. I'm a tea drinker. Is that true for tea?

Patti Scallan  11:55  
Sure. It's the caffeine. Now, if it's herbal no. But our brain is mainly water and fat. Okay? So when you have brain fog in the middle of the afternoon, hey, drink a glass of water and take a couple nuts. You know, get some water. Get some healthy fats. 

Vonne Solis  12:17  

Patti Scallan  12:18  
Right? That's what the brain is all about. Water is the big one that's here. And then there's minerals, you know what we eat matters. But if I'm you know wanted to tell you to do anything, I would say drink water and take, like we have an Omega product. It's your healthy fats, three fives and sevens. Take a supplement. Feed that brain.

Vonne Solis  12:39  
Now quickly, I want to ask you about nutrition. Now, you mentioned earlier about eating too many processed foods. And this could probably be a large number of the population in North America. Fast meals. Living alone. Don't want to cook. You know, do the frozen meal thing. Whatever. So in your education, what do you recommend as the proper nutrition?

Patti Scallan  13:08  
Okay. Well, let me just start this by saying I'm getting ready to write a little paper on what does depression, diabetes and fibromyalgia have in common? 

Vonne Solis  13:21  
Oh, I don't know. 

Patti Scallan  13:24  
It's gut health. Actually, gut health is at the basis of everything. Every, all the inflammation in our body, it all starts there. So again, we have to have a healthy gut. You know, unfortunately, with depression, people think that the answer is getting on an antidepressant. And it is not. That's not to say there might not be a moment in your life where you're in a black hole and you need help desperately. Please don't think, don't misunderstand me. 

Vonne Solis  13:54  

Patti Scallan  13:55  
But these were never meant to be long term. Only the pharmaceutical world wants to keep them long term. 

Vonne Solis  14:01  
Yeah. You're not the first guest I've had to say that.

Patti Scallan  14:04  
Depression is a gut issue. There's a wonderful book by Dr. Kelly Brogan called A Mind of Your Own. 

Vonne Solis  14:11  

Patti Scallan  14:12  
That if anybody's struggling with depression, she's a psychiatrist that literally handed out pills to all her clients too, until she learned this. And then she got all of her clients off of them.

Vonne Solis  14:22  
Wow. I just want to say again, on a personal note, I feel so fortunate. I have a very non-interventionist doctor. And this is so important. I'm going to share a little detail here. I went on a disability from my then job for two years. Had to see a doctor every two months. I moved from a former province to BC where I live, and he was so non-interventionist, but the insurance company, you know, because the claim was long, and it actually took me to my retirement, but it was a PTSD claim. So they really didn't know what to do with it in my opinion. I mean, I didn't phone them up and ask them, Hey, do you know what to do with my claim? But anyway, towards the end of it, they really wanted me to go on meds.

Patti Scallan  15:12  

Vonne Solis  15:13  
So I went to my doctor and got a letter stating they weren't necessary. And I am so grateful for that. They kept me on the claim, by the way, and then I left my job. But that's my little personal story of that there is also pressure, depending on if you're on a disability, or you're working with a medical practitioner, who like you're saying about Dr. Kelly Brogan, issue the med. Issue the meds. So it's almost a goldmine if you find a practitioner who doesn't do that, right?

Patti Scallan  15:49  
Absolutely. And I genuinely believe that, you know, we can heal without medication. And without surgery. I believe that.

Vonne Solis  15:57  
Is there anything else though, about nutrition? So we're paying attention to the gut. So does it matter what kind of diet we keep other than like low sugar? Should it just be like a super balanced diet? What's the secret?

Patti Scallan  16:08  
It should be high fibre. You know, your vegetables and things like that, that gives you that high fibre. Low sugar, and absolutely low processed food. And again, I understand people are busy, it's convenient. But if you look at the population, I think I think the recent statistic I heard was 75% of the American people are overweight.

Vonne Solis  16:33  
Oh, I don't know. Yeah? Prob, I don't know. Really?

Patti Scallan  16:37  
I just, now now that doesn't mean obese okay?

Vonne Solis  16:41  

Patti Scallan  16:41  
Okay. Like I had, I had seen a post on LinkedIn a couple months ago. And it was really interesting, because it was an actual picture back in the 50s, a beach scene of people, you know, running and playing on the beach. Everyone was slim. And then they had a picture, a current picture of people on the beach. 

Vonne Solis  17:03  

Patti Scallan  17:04  
Most of the people were overweight. And here's the problem with that is, they may say, Well, I feel fine. It's not if it catches up with you, it's when it catches up with you. Right? I mean, I had this with my own husband. He became very ill. We didn't know what was wrong at the time. It turned out that it was type two diabetes. But it had gone undiagnosed so long that his body, he was in a lot of pain. His sugar level was 250. His A1C was over nine. And guess what? We changed that without any medication. Drastically changed his diet. We got all those simple sugars out. When I say simple, I'm talking about bread. I'm talking about cookies and potato chips, like that. Does that mean we can never have them again? No. But they should be a treat once in a while. 

Patti Scallan  17:58  
Like when I did my digestive health work when my clients, I said, Give me 80/20. Give me 80% of the time, you're talking about lean meats and fish and vegetables, salads, nuts, things like that. Now I know some people are vegan or vegetarian and you know, I'm not. I don't try and talk anybody in or out of meat or chicken or fish. Whatever is right for you. But that's what our diet should mainly be. Our diet should be some type of protein and the rest of the plate should be filled with, you know, vegetables and salads and things like that. You know, basically trying to think stay away from as much white as we can. Meaning flour and sugar.

Vonne Solis  18:45  
Yeah. I'm a vegetarian as is my husband for 32 years and raised our son who's 30 as a vegetarian. We're not vegan. We're vegetarian. And I'm pretty sure it has helped us. I'm happy to report I have no issues with disease or anything like that. I just have a bit of a weaker immune system because of mental and emotional trauma and things like that. But once you're aware of the areas you need to supplement, work on, take care of. Feed yourself. Care for yourself a little bit differently, then you do see changes in the body.

Patti Scallan  19:21  
Let me just say.

Vonne Solis  19:22  

Patti Scallan  19:23  
(Indecipherable) the immune system is in the gut. 

Vonne Solis  19:26  
Yeah, yeah. 

Patti Scallan  19:27  
You know your gut. 

Vonne Solis  19:29  

Patti Scallan  19:29  
is gonna make huge leaps and bounds with your health. I personally believe that everyone today should be on a quality probiotic. Unless you're the type that constantly eats sauerkraut and kombucha or whatever it is that you know, the natural ones, but most people do not. So I think that we are inundated with toxins today in the food supply. In the water. In the air. Even with our clothing and the cleaning products. I think that the, you know, like the the probiotic we have has prebiotics in it. And I don't know, you know, some people don't know the difference. So just briefly, your we have good bacteria, we have bad bacteria. 

Vonne Solis  20:13  

Patti Scallan  20:14  
Prebiotics feed the good bacteria so it sticks around. And the probiotic gets rid of those bad bacteria.

Vonne Solis  20:21  
I would wager anybody not on a probiotic, and not aware of gut health, I've been aware of it for a number of years now. But when you're dealing with things like gastrointestinal stuff, and, you know, it became so common to hear about these problems a few years ago, as you would know. And I've even had it in my, in my family. I've had friends who like, had to, like struggle and search for one or two things only they could eat that wouldn't affect their health. And the other thing, I just want to say, really quickly. I'm not pushing any any company here, folks. But what I am saying is there are companies out there that are dealing with really good probiotics and supplements. And they're not necessarily and they're likely not at all on retailer shelves. 

Vonne Solis  21:15  
I was educated years ago about the fact that even if you say that there's, you know, like there's only 2%, or just a small, small amount of an ingredient in a product, that can stay on the label. And so a lot of what people might be buying in retail stores might actually be a waste of money if you're not seeing results. Would you, would you agree with that? I'm sure you would Patti.

Patti Scallan  21:44  
I do. I always encourage people to buy quality. Not buy from a box store, you know. You know what I mean by box store?

Vonne Solis  21:53  
I do. 

Patti Scallan  21:54  
Yeah, because there's fillers in them. And and as you said, they can literally just sprinkle a little bit of something. It's not the efficacious amount. It's just sprinkling, because then they can put it up on there, you know? Like, one of the things we have for stress and anxiety, you know, it has that ashwagandha in it right? Well, a lot of products say they have it, but they literally have just a dusting. Not the efficacious amount. And I'd be more concerned with the fillers that they're using too. So yeah, if you're buying it from the corner store, or those big stores that I'm talking about, I would say, replace them.

Vonne Solis  22:34  
Yeah. And, you know, it's like, a lot of people have, let's turn to sleep for a minute. A lot of people have sleep problems for a number of different reasons. And I've had them for decades. I finally have found something that helps me. And no, it is not melatonin, and nor is it CBD. But I have found a product that helps me. And rather than saying I'm gonna, you know, I'm gonna help you sleep, it just relaxes my mind. So there's a huge difference. And it's all natural and stuff like that. And, and so it's working, it's working. So what I'm going to just say to people, the audience. If you're having trouble in any of these areas that Patti and I are discussing today, and you want to live younger, longer, that's Patti's tagline. Live younger, longer, which means basically, Patti, as you said, pain free, and having the ability and the desire to fully engage in your life, right? So sleep deprivation robs us of a lot of things. Can you speak to that a little bit about what happens to the body when we can't sleep? Or we're sleeping fitfully.

Patti Scallan  23:48  
Absolutely. So when we're not sleeping enough, first of all, our stress level goes up. We don't, we can't deal with the day to day things that come up if we don't have enough sleep. People will actually gain weight when they're not sleeping enough, right?

Vonne Solis  24:04  
Okay, what makes the body gain weight if you're not sleeping? That's interesting to me.

Patti Scallan  24:08  
You have to understand when you sleep, that's when our body rejuvenates itself. That's when all the organ systems slow down and regroup so that they can gauge the next day and do what they're supposed to do. So, yeah. People that are sleeping, you know, like I have people go almost like it's a badge of honor. Well, I only sleep five hours a day. And you know what I say to them? Stop.

Vonne Solis  24:34  
Yeah. Get eight hours?

Patti Scallan  24:36  
Between seven and nine is optimal.

Vonne Solis  24:38  

Patti Scallan  24:39  
But the problem is, is you know, number one, people kind of graze. So they're eating through the evening and then whatever they've eaten can then impact their sleep. Right?

Vonne Solis  24:50  
Here's a question for you really quickly Patti. What time should we stop eating at night before we go to sleep?

Patti Scallan  24:57  
At least two hours. Now the one exception might be a diabetic but then they should eat protein before they go to bed. Not a handful of crackers because then their sugar level's going to spike during the night, right? Yeah, we need to give our bodies time to relax. I mean, I do intermittent fasting. I haven't lost weight because of intermittent fasting. Some people do. Not me. But I do it because it gives my body a break.

Vonne Solis  25:25  
So okay. How long do you fast for?

Patti Scallan  25:28  
Close to 16 hours most days. I finish eating dinner about eight o'clock, right? So it's rare that I'll eat after that. And then I usually don't get around to eating breakfast till 11, 12 o'clock, something like that.

Vonne Solis  25:44  
You and I are the same. Identical. I have zero, I want to talk about this for a minute. So I have zero desire. Food has not been an issue for me in this lifetime and excessive weight and so on. I've had other things, folks. But you know, so I have no desire to snack. To pick. To, any of that stuff. So it doesn't mean I don't enjoy the odd bowl of ice cream or ice cream cone or some popcorn or this or that. I don't deprive myself of what I want. It's just I don't need, you know, to consume quantities and quantities of the stuff.

Patti Scallan  26:19  
You are one of the blessed few that for the most of us that's not the case, I don't believe.

Vonne Solis  26:25  

Patti Scallan  26:26  
Yeah, I love to eat. I love to eat.

Vonne Solis  26:30  
See, I don't. I don't love to eat. Yeah.

Patti Scallan  26:32  
But what I will tell you, and this is really significant. Eating, first of all, our bodies need healthy carbs for energy, right? But when we're eating empty calories, processed food

Vonne Solis  26:46  

Patti Scallan  26:47  
our body goes, oh, here comes the carbs. And then it's like, oh, no. There's no value to these carbs. Well, then we need to eat more. And then we need to eat more. This is why you might go to get a cookie and that's not satisfying. Then you go back and get two more cookies.

Vonne Solis  27:01  

Patti Scallan  27:02  
You know what I mean? If our bodies need this for energy

Vonne Solis  27:07  

Patti Scallan  27:08  
And so what happens, you eat this junk food. And then it stores as fat because it's not even energy. So if you begin to give it the correct things, your cravings will go down because I am speaking to a lot of people that do have cravings. I understand that. But I  will tell you, there was a time when I absolutely loved pasta. I did. I never thought I'd stop eating it. 

Vonne Solis  27:33  

Patti Scallan  27:33  
But once I stopped eating it, I no longer had the desire. Will I never eat it again? I don't know. Once in a while maybe. Like if I went to somebody's home, and that's what they have, would I eat it? Of course I would eat it. But I don't say, ooh, boy, I want a bowl of spaghetti tonight. I just don't. And that's all, that's our body learning to crave what's good for it.

Vonne Solis  27:55  
Yeah. So I just want to interject here a little bit. So the audience listening, we're getting some fantastic information about nutrition. We need to get sleep. So I have no doubt that you sell a product also for sleep. But for people that you know, aren't you know, aware of you, your products and so on and don't have like what I finally found, let's really talk about people that can't afford supplements. What can they do to at least try and sleep Patti?

Patti Scallan  28:24  
Sure. Okay, so first of all, if they can stop eating, you know, a few hours that is helpful.

Vonne Solis  28:30  

Patti Scallan  28:31  
Alcohol, if you drink alcohol before you go to bed, what happens is the sugar will wake you up a couple hours down the road. I'm an example of that. I love to have wine. But if I drink it too late, I end up waking up at one o'clock or two o'clock because that wine has now turned to sugar in my body and now I've got energy. Stay away from alcohol close to bed. 

Vonne Solis  28:54  

Patti Scallan  28:54  
Close your phones and your computers and your iPads. That blue light? That really activates the issues too. So I'm saying, you know, just give yourself a little bit of time. And then if you still need help, when I was going through a crises in our family life, what I would do is I would get earbuds and I would listen to just a short, like 10 minute meditation as I went to sleep, and then I fell asleep. There are wonderful meditations out there that you can put short, just Google, short meditation for sleep. Or short meditation for anxiety. But use ear buds because there's something and the binaural beats, there's something about that being within in there. But with all of this just know and I'm going to share this with you, Carolyn Myss was a psychiatrist that I read a lot of her books. Impacted my life tremendously. One that changed my life was called Anatomy of the Spirit. And she spells her name Caroline Myss. It's M y s s. So she coined a phrase that our biography becomes our biology.

Vonne Solis  28:58  
I love that. And I want to ask the audience here to just stop and think about that for a second. Our biography becomes our biology. That means our story becomes our, our life and all of its problems and pain and what we are, well experiencing in our all around imbalance. Health issues, and so on. If someone in your home is bugging the crap out of you? And you want to respond or react to them more likely in a in a certain way? You can stop for a second and go, Wait a minute, that's not healthy for me. I need to take control of this. And I need to not get myself upset. Look for things that bring you relief. Look for things that bring you comfort. Look for things that bring you relaxation. And even if you're still on the clock, working for someone else, like I had to do for many years, and commute and this, that and the other, work these things into the bits and pieces of your life where you can and all combined. It's like you said, Patti, it doesn't happen overnight. But it becomes a lifestyle and then you become this beautifully vibrant person.

Patti Scallan  31:17  
Well you know, just back to something you said there, um and I believe it was Buddha that said, the source of all suffering is attachment. Right? 

Vonne Solis  31:27  

Patti Scallan  31:27  
That's paraphrasing probably. 

Vonne Solis  31:29  

Patti Scallan  31:30  
When we become attached to our trauma, our victimhood, all of these things. Not to say we don't need to go through grieving periods, we absolutely do. We absolutely do. But if we continue to stay attached, then we're not going to live the life. I mean, I'm sure with the trauma you went through, and I can't even begin to know what you went through. But would your daughter want you to just fade away?

Vonne Solis  32:01  
No. And so that was one motivating factor. And the other thing I want to throw in here, is sometimes for some people, it isn't as simple as just making a choice to look and feel better and have this wonderful, great life? No. We need motivation. And

Patti Scallan  32:20  
You need help.

Vonne Solis  32:21  
Yes. And I have talked to other bereaved parents. So while we're not talking about that today, quite often surviving children are our motivation. But whatever it is for you. It could be ill health. It could be weight gain. It could be, I don't know, you're stuck in a crappy job and you can't get out of it. It could be financial problems. It could be relationship problems. It's whatever it is. It could be childhood dysfunction that's eating away at you as an adult. Whatever it is, if you can't just drum up the motivation yourself within and be willing, because you need willingness to make a change. But you need something to light a fire under you. Even a little one to get it going. Because it can be really, really hard to start. It can be really hard to open that front door and get out and go for that walk and want that fresh air. 

Vonne Solis  33:11  
So if it isn't the walk, just find something that will motivate you a teeny tiny bit on day one. And then keep looking for something on day two. And you know, it's it's like that simply simply put. I know, it's a big process. But I had to find some motivation, initially to get out of bed after my daughter died. And largely it was, I wanted to be a parent to my surviving son. He was only 13. What am I going to do? Like, just give up? And the more I focused on that, the more I started to think about me. Now it's been years, okay, so whatever. And again, we're not talking a lot about that today. But it's in the similar vein that we choose to want to be able to engage fully in our life. Because some people don't want to engage in their life, Patti.

Patti Scallan  34:11  

Vonne Solis  34:12  
What would you say to them?

Patti Scallan  34:13  
Yeah. Well, we can't convince somebody else to do something. 

Vonne Solis  34:17  

Patti Scallan  34:18  
We really can't. But I would just, you know, first of all, the first step is awareness. 

Vonne Solis  34:18  

Patti Scallan  34:20  
Are you aware of it, right? 

Vonne Solis  34:28  

Patti Scallan  34:29  
The second step is the courage to change. And sometimes we don't have enough courage ourselves. 

Vonne Solis  34:34  
Yeah, yeah. 

Patti Scallan  34:36  
Lean into a best friend or lean in and I don't mean to whine. I mean, to say, I'm drowning and I need help. 

Vonne Solis  34:44  

Patti Scallan  34:45  
Or get a counsellor or something because, again, you're the only one that can make a step. But you know, when like, when you were saying sometimes people have a job that they hate and they really can't get up and leave, it's all between here and here. So what I would say is in that moment of frustration or anxiety when maybe somebody just hollered at you take just 60 seconds. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in for four, hold for four, out of four. Do that a half a dozen times. You'd be very surprised at how that can shift you. There on those things like EFT. I mean, I worked with a gentleman, with EFT. And after a third appointment, he called me one day on on his way home from work. And he said, I just want you to know that when I started coming to you, I was formulating a letter to my wife, because I felt that they were better would be better without me. And he said, This is the first time I have felt happy in a long time. 

Vonne Solis  35:56  
Yeah. Wow.

Patti Scallan  35:58  
Three sessions of EFT.

Vonne Solis  36:00  
Can you just explain Patti, what EFT is for people that may not know?

Patti Scallan  36:03  
Sure. So it's called Emotional Freedom Technique. It is referred to more commonly as tapping. 

Vonne Solis  36:12  

Patti Scallan  36:12  
You can Youtube. Like you can YouTube tapping and PTSD or tapping and anxiety. But we have meridians. And so it's basically there's a specific Meridian pathway that we have on our bodies. And we're saying things like, you know, I, I feel this anxiety. It's so much. I'm just so anxious. I hate feeling like this, and we go through that. But then we change the verbiage to be positive and we put the positive energy in. Again, one session can make a huge difference. There's a lot of help out there. Even like what with the Reiki. You know, our chakras, for those that are familiar. Our chakras or not familiar, are energy centers in our bodies. And sometimes we will get a blockage. For instance, the heartache that you went through. You could have a blockage in your heart chakra. If you don't do the work or get the healing needed you may end up with breast cancer or heart disease. Something in that chakra that's being blocked. 

Patti Scallan  37:22  
Our bodies are, like the chakras are the the centers, the energy centers, but the meridians are like your traffic, like your roadways that go through them. And if all of a sudden you hit a dead stop, everything stops. So the rest of the body is not getting fed the energy that it needs to heal. And we are all energy. Our bodies. We might we might go no, no, we're solid. No, we're not. They're just tight molecules. We're all energy. So we have to address the emotional, the spiritual and the physical. We have to address all of that to heal.

Vonne Solis  37:59  
Yes, yeah. And and we don't really have time to get into each of the physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, mental, and anything else that tears and eats away at us. It's enough to say, I love what you just said, I'm going to jump on this point as we move into the work that you're doing. I want to hear a little bit about the redox molecules. But as you said, we're not solid. We're molecules. We're energy. I'm questioning whether like the younger that we look, I wonder if it's just natural to feel good. Because when we don't feel good about ourselves, so we don't feel healthy, I mean, it really does reflect in our eyes. Our skin coloring. Our hair. How we how we hold ourselves, you know. Whether we can connect, communicate, and all of those things. So I'm hoping that the better we feel, the better we look. And I want to just stress here, though, Patti, I mentioned this a little bit at the beginning. But the goal here isn't just to look our youngest in a youth crazed North American culture. That's not the goal. Can you explain what the goal of all this really is?

Patti Scallan  39:16  
To be able to fully engage in life. To be able to, if you have a partner, to want to do things with that partner. To experience joy. See, to me, that's my number one life value is joy, okay? And then there's kindness and then there's integrity. But joy is what most speaks to me. And you know, when we're in that bad place or that dark place, if we can reach out and help another person that will help us feel better? 

Vonne Solis  39:45  

Patti Scallan  39:46  

Vonne Solis  39:46  

Patti Scallan  39:47  
Sometimes those that are inundated with heavy things right now, you will see them out helping others and you go, How are you even doing that? Well, because energetically it helps them. It's all about raising our vibration right? 

Vonne Solis  40:01  

Patti Scallan  40:01  
And like you said, I do believe those of us that try for those higher vibrations, it shows in our face. And I don't mean lack of wrinkles. I'm talking about an energy. I'm talking about an overall energy. If you are dwelling in like the lowest, I think is guilt and shame, right? So okay, maybe you do something you shouldn't have done and you feel guilty. Well, is that guilt serving you? It is not. Let it go. It's in the past. 

Vonne Solis  40:29  

Patti Scallan  40:30  
It's in the past. 

Vonne Solis  40:31  

Patti Scallan  40:31  
So you want to be able to take that bike ride. Or maybe it's just lay on the floor and play with your grandchild, if you have grandchildren. That's been fully engaged, you know? But when you don't feel like getting up on the sofa at night to do anything that's not exactly fully engaged. And the truth is, is this life is a gift to us.

Vonne Solis  40:52  
I don't know that a lot of people feel that way. And I say these things not to be negative. I say these things to identify when I felt that way. How could I possibly feel life as a gift when you've got so much tragedy? Or you're ill? Or you were abused in childhood? Or you have a crappy relationship? Or your life's just crappy and you have no luck and anybody else who's doing better than you? Well, they're lucky. You know, all of that.

Patti Scallan  41:20  
I'm talking about if they've done the work because, you know Vonne, I don't know about you. But I haven't come across anybody that hasn't had some type of trauma in their life. 

Vonne Solis  41:30  

Patti Scallan  41:31  
So if you stay in victimhood, in other words, the more you repeat your story, the more it's in your energy field.

Vonne Solis  41:38  
Yeah. You know, I just want to say, like I had a pretty dysfunctional childhood. You know, it doesn't matter what the dysfunction was. But, you know, I made a decision somewhere, probably in my early teens, but certainly by my early 20s, that, that was their story. That's not going to be my story. So I was really, again, really blessed with being introduced to metaphysics and a spiritual practice by the time I was 25 years old. And it really solidified a foundation for me that I relied on when the times did get kind of tough. And, you know, so I agree with you that nobody gets away with some kind of challenge in this life, no matter what it looks like to anybody else? We don't know what's going on behind closed doors or in another person's mind. But I will tell you something. You can instantly spot someone who is happy, joyful, and it radiates. And I have often talked about, if you want to feel an instant, hi, smile at someone.

Patti Scallan  42:49  

Patti Scallan  42:50  
And I actually practiced that in the first few months of my bereavement. It really took a lot of effort for me to do it. But I made it a practice because I started noticing how miserable the majority of people looked. And if you stop and really look around. Now I don't know about where you are Patti, but just look around. Go the grocery store. Wherever you are, and just observe people. And I mean, no, we don't most of us go around, smiling, you know, as we're walking or whatever. But if you say hello, and whether they respond back and say hi back, a lot of people don't. Or it's just a cursory whatever. And again, it's your energy. Like I get a lot of people, I could talk to, I could talk to anybody in a grocery aisle. But when you're miserable yourself, you're not looking for that kind of connection. But when you can open yourself up to having a little more space in your heart to bring some joy in, it often starts I think with you having to be the first, the one to make that first step. People aren't necessarily going to, you know, go out of their way and smile at you or engage in a little, just a short little conversation or whatever it might be. But I'm telling you, it's almost like service work. It really, it is service work.

Patti Scallan  44:12  
You could say one word to somebody and it could change their whole day. 

Vonne Solis  44:16  
I know.

Patti Scallan  44:17  
You know. Like I'm the type that if I'm walking down the street and I see a woman that has a fabulous haircut, as I'm passing I go, fabulous haircut and their face lights up.

Vonne Solis  44:28  
I know. Last little story. I once went and we have a wonderful little cafe in our in our downtown area where I live. And one day we walked in, and I just happened to smile at the person cooking because it was an open kitchen. And he stopped and he said, oh my god, he said, no one has smiled at me like that forever. He said you have a beautiful smile. Thank you. You made my day. You're welcome. And I will tell you though, when you smile at people, most of them will smile back at you, but they will be shocked. They will be shocked. And I'm not saying overdo it and be all this honey and you know, gooey kindness. No, because people also don't like that and they can see if it's phony. Just a really heartfelt, authentic smile. 

Vonne Solis  45:17  
Okay, Patti, let's move into the work you're doing. And let's talk about the redox molecule. We've talked, we've painted a picture for people, which I think has been quite clear about everything they need to get to this point where it is about the body. It is about the gut health. We've got to get ourselves mentally and I would say emotionally to the place we want to change. So we're now at a place where we go, You know what? I can fix my body. I don't have to be in this prison however, you're feeling negatively trapped, if you are by your body. Let's talk about the redox molecule. What is it and invite you to talk about ASEA. Just so that people have an awareness. There's some options out there. And even if they don't want this kind of product at all, we're not pushing products, folks, just to understand how the body works.

Patti Scallan  46:08  
Okay. So when it comes to the redox, our bodies are made up of cells. And in those cells are redox molecules which are vital to life. Redox molecules run all of your organ systems. So if you stop producing redox molecules, you will be dead in minutes. But each decade after puberty, we are producing 10%, less 10%, less, 10% less. So by the time we're middle age, you know, you start to see the aging out here, but it's also happening inside. So if you encounter a health challenge and illness and injury, things like that, we don't bounce back like we used to. So the product that I have, the ASEA redox, are redox molecules, which means they're native to the body. Not all natural. Blueberries are natural, but our bodies don't produce them. 

Vonne Solis  47:02  

Patti Scallan  47:03  
Okay? So these are native to your body. So you are really replenishing cell signaling molecules. And I'll just give a quick analogy, because this is what was happening with my husband.

Vonne Solis  47:15  

Patti Scallan  47:15  
If your house is burning down. And on the other side of town, there's a fire engine with the hoses allowed to water and you call them on your cell phone, and you have a bad cell signal, they never got the message. Your house burns down. We spent thousands trying to get my husband out of pain and get some energy back. And it you know, he was getting a plethora of supplements from a functional medicine practitioner. Quality products. But his body wasn't signaling. These redox molecules are cell signaling molecules. It's what turns your body on to heal itself.

Vonne Solis  47:59  
Can I just ask, was your husband suffering all this from the type two diabetes that you mentioned earlier?

Patti Scallan  48:04  
But we didn't know it. 

Vonne Solis  48:05  
Well, should I ask is his body kind of like breaking down?

Patti Scallan  48:08  
He lost most of his muscle mass. He was a big man. Six four, almost 300 pounds. Now he was looking frail, right? And he had severe pain in his hips and his shoulders. And literally no energy. We were not engaged in life. Our life was on hold for a year. And he wouldn't go to the doctors.

Vonne Solis  48:29  
So you're saying that his body went from the mass it was to being very frail and all this because of undiagnosed type two diabetes?

Patti Scallan  48:38  
Sure. Because the inflammation took over his body. All your other diseases are inflammation based. You know, your cancer and your fibromyalgia and your auto immune and diabetes. All of them, even Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's is inflammation on the brain. So let's get the inflammation out of your body. And the redox, you know, when you talked about genetics. Redox has, you know, we are science backed, okay? So they tested cardiovascular, hormone, immune, digestive and inflammation. And what they found in all five pathways is that the people that took it, it increased their genetic expression up to 31%. So their body was functioning at a much, much more active way.

Vonne Solis  49:26  
So when you found this company that you're now working with, did you just decide, I'm going to take this ASEA alongside my husband to see what it does? Or did you start with him first, just to see what the results would be?

Patti Scallan  49:42  
Well, he started getting results within a week. He did. It took a full two and a half months to get him totally out of pain, right? But within a week he started feeling better and I thought well, because my interest was two things. Yes, the anti-aging, okay? But it was also, it's preventative. My father died at 44 of cancer. My mother died of cancer .I have it on both sides of the family and I thought you know what? I'm getting in front of that baby. So

Vonne Solis  50:12  
That's huge motivation, because in your mind with having lost both parents to cancer, were you sort of thinking, that could be me?

Patti Scallan  50:24  
Of course. And so, now, having said that, I don't just take product. I take care of myself. I hardly ever eat sugar. If I go to somebody's house, and they baked a cake, and I'm having a piece? You betcha. I am.

Vonne Solis  50:37  
Yeah. Yeah.I don't live on sugar. You don't live on sugar. And people, now do you think people can become addicted to sugar though, Patti?

Patti Scallan  50:45  
Sugar is more addictive than cocaine. That's a fact. 

Vonne Solis  50:50  

Patti Scallan  50:51  
You can look that up. And you know what people don't understand is okay, a can of soda right?

Vonne Solis  50:58  

Patti Scallan  50:59  
Nine teaspoons of sugar. Think about putting nine teaspoons of sugar in a cup of coffee.

Vonne Solis  51:06  
Is there a difference between regular you guys call it soda. We call it pop in Canada. But anyway, I don't drink the stuff. But is there sugar in diet sodas?

Patti Scallan  51:17  
No, there's something more dangerous than sugar. Okay, so now you have these sugar substitutes, right? Which, they affect the brain. Okay? And they actually have you crave carbohydrates. Because now they're tricking the brain into thinking it's getting sugar and it's not. So now you're going to eat junk to go with that diet soda. 

Vonne Solis  51:41  

Patti Scallan  51:41  
It's like a cascade. It is. And I will tell you when I went to school for my digestive health work, those doctors trained us that if your client is not willing to give up soda, or diet soda, do not even engage them as a client.

Vonne Solis  51:58  
Wow, yeah.

Patti Scallan  52:00  
That was their number one thing. So to end diet soda, right.

Vonne Solis  52:04  
So what I will say about that is by whatever means as we lose the desire to eat certain foods, or drink soda, you know, tern cans all day long, or whatever it is. Drink coffee, whatever. In my case, I wanted to get rid of wine. I'm like you. If I'm out and holidaying, I'll have a glass of wine. But I stopped buying wine about a year and a half ago. Because it was a depressant for me. And instead, I started making kombucha. And a girlfriend got me into it. I resisted it for a few months. And then you know, she gave me her SCOBY and I started making it. And not only did it become a really fun, creative venture for me, it is a probiotic. I'm having fun making different flavours, but it got me away from the wine. Which I will admit, I was thinking to myself, Well if I give up my glass of red wine at the end of a long, hard day, what am I going to replace it with? Because I really didn't want to drink juice and I haven't been a huge water drinker until lately. Anyway, I turned to the kombucha and I love it. But I'm not, like you Patti, with pasta or sugar or a piece of cake or whatever, I don't say to myself, you can never have that again. I just don't have a desire to drink it. 

Vonne Solis  53:29  
So going back to when we make a decision, however that decision comes to us, to let go of anything, it just becomes easier and easier and easier once we know we really don't want in our life anymore. Now how you get to that point to understand what you're ready to let go of, that's a whole other story. It's, I'm talking about the point where we know. It could be a health scare. It could be anything. But, don't you agree with that Patti? When you let it go and just go, I really don't I, it's almost like your body resists it and just...

Patti Scallan  54:06  
Well right. I agree. I could never drink a soda now. It tastes so ridiculously sweet. I just can't. And I say to people that tell me that you know they're addicted to sugar. I say to them give me one week. That's all I'm asking you. Give me one week without sugar. And you have to understand. Sugar's in yogurt. Sugar's in ketchup. Sugar's everywhere. 

Vonne Solis  54:29  
Yeah. What do you think of 

Patti Scallan  54:30  
The only one that I think is okay is Stevia.

Vonne Solis  54:33  
Yeah. I use that one. And we make our own bread. I'm not you know, sounding like Pollyanna here. There were just different things that I needed to let go of. Buying store bought bread and stuff. And you know what? Like, I love bread. Do you think that people turn to a lot of carbs for comfort because

Patti Scallan  54:52  
Oh absolutely. 

Vonne Solis  54:53  
Carbs are and I'm not talking about vegetable carbs. We don't turn to veggie snacks to comfort us. 

Patti Scallan  54:59  
It produces dopamine.

Vonne Solis  55:00  
So carbs are comforting because they produce dopamine?

Patti Scallan  55:05  
Yeah, it's like the same thing as having a drug. But as you, I'm telling you. As you put a little bit of time between it, you will crave it less. I promise you that.

Vonne Solis  55:14  
So when we're talking bad carbs here just so people can really understand this and myself. We're talking things like what? Breads, cereals, chips, like what are we talking?

Patti Scallan  55:23  
Well remember white. Is there sugar in it? Is there flour in it?

Vonne Solis  55:27  

Patti Scallan  55:28  
But anything that comes in a package and I don't mean like a package of fresh spinach. I'm talking about a box or, or you know, potato chip bags. Most things that come in a package are processed food. I even think all these health bars still have sugar. And yeah.

Vonne Solis  55:45  
I would actually offer that the more, the higher vibration we're at, the more our body will resist things. Food, anything that's of a lower vibration because food is energy too, right?

Patti Scallan  55:57  
And I will say that with the redox, it gently detoxes your body on a daily basis. So I feel very good about that also.

Vonne Solis  56:06  
Yes. Okay. Patti, this has been so interesting. I have learned so so much from you. So when people contact you, which I'll be putting links to your website in the description, I see that you were offering a quick one on one wellness check. So if they contact you, what's the very first thing that you do? Do you have a meeting with them or you know, sort of see what their situation is?

Patti Scallan  56:29  
One on one just like this and just have a conversation. There's no pressure, I'm not a heavy pressure person. If I can help you at least get on track even if you're not interested in the products that I sell, I can still help you get on track.

Vonne Solis  56:42  
Okay, well, that's perfect. And I know you were saying you work with practitioners as well. So any practitioners that may want to become educated about what you're doing and the products you work with, they can contact you as well.

Patti Scallan  56:53  
This is a medical breakthrough. So the more practitioners I can get it out to the more people we can help. And that's my goal.

Vonne Solis  57:00  
Yeah, exactly. You know, you and I talked a while back and I would like you to end a little bit telling the quick story about the gentleman.

Patti Scallan  57:08  
He was a businessman that bought the product from a biotech company. And at the time, it wasn't stabilized. So he had to hire an atomic medical physicist and their team to get it stabilized. But once they did, they had just a, you know, a small amount of people. 100 people on the product. The pharmaceutical work world got wind of it. Flew in and offered him generational wealth. But the one caveat was is he would have to stop supplying who he's supplying. And he said, but I have at least six people that will die without this. And then the pharmaceutical company said, people die every day. Think of the big picture. Meaning the money.

Vonne Solis  57:50  

Patti Scallan  57:50  
And he said no to the money. Because he feels that his, part of his mission statement is being a force for good in the world. 

Vonne Solis  57:58  

Patti Scallan  57:59  
And so that is his goal. And then my last thing I want to say to people is to take care of yourself, because it's the only place you have to live is your own body.

Vonne Solis  58:12  
I love that. And I would lastly just say, before I thank you, to people is, I hope you want to take care of yourself because you're worth it. Patti, thank you so much for coming on the show. This has been fun. Like I said, I learned so so much.

Patti Scallan  58:30  
It's my pleasure Vonne. It really is. And like you said, it's so much fun to talk to someone who's got that same energy and understanding of how precious our life is and how much we're going to take care of it.

Vonne Solis  58:41  
Absolutely. So thanks again, Patti. I'm sure we'll be in touch.

Patti Scallan  58:46  
Thank you so much.